Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Intelligent Design For Dummies

Have you ever noticed how complicated nature is? Birds fly. Fish don't drown. We don't fall off the planet, even when we stand up-side down in the southern hemisphere. It boggles the mind, does it not?
Of course it does. It should. Unless you are an atheistic Bookworm type. Or should I call you Bookwyrm, evil reader? Perhaps you have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge.
I bet you'd like to teach the children a philosophy of peace.
Feed the hungry.
Heal the sick.

Ridiculous. Who's gonna pay for that? The tax-exempt Churches? Those Churches earned their money the old-fashioned way- donations. Why waste that money on people who choose to be poor and sick?
Disgusting and lazy burdens on hard -working Christians.
I mean, if I knew I was going to be sick, I'd go out and get a job with a God-fearing company that offered full medical and unlimited leave time. How hard can it be to do that?

There's only one explanation for our universe: An omnipotent sentient entity created everything just to see what would happen, much as a small child tries to start a 'magic kingdom' of Sea-Monkeys. Nothing else makes sense.

The unenlightened will cry about science, theories and empirical evidence.
Tools of Satan!

Science can't explain some things, so it should be banned from all things, especially education , reproductive rights, religion and health care. We will never escape the yoke of Big Liberal Government unless immediate steps are taken to eliminate activist judges, overturn Roe v. Wade , enforce a Christian approach to public education, protect ourselves from socialized medicine, ban homosexuals from everything, and use conscription to enable our New Crusade.
The price of Freedom is freedom.

Blessings and Tithings,
Rev. "Sterling" Al Covar


Susannity said...

you might enjoy godhatesshrimp.com, i know it gave me a good laugh.

Susanne the sinner, atheist, anti-theist, gay supporter, shrimp eater, and pro-choice extraordinaire

Allan said...

Can we still eat whales? They have fins, but no scales.
I hope whale steaks are still on the menu-get 'em before they go extinct!