Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Told Ya So, But Now What?

I told ya that the BushCo GOPhers were slippier than a rabid pack of greased weasels. That turns out to be a gross "mis-underestimation". The Nixon Years begin to seem fairly benign in comparison. At least Nixon eventually got around to withdrawing from Viet Nam. Bush won't even discuss exit strategy with the press." Making progress". "It's hard work".

My question is: What took so long for them to start getting caught?
Any internet geek with any interest in politics has been hearing about the corruption of DeLay, Frist and Rove for years. Years! As of this writing , the TV news don't seem to realize that his replacement David Dreier (R-Hypocrite) is a closet homo. He's also a vehement Anti-Gay Crusader. I imagine Dreier won't be long for his appointment once the media find out about that-probably in 2007, given the current level of mainstream journalism.
Campaign fraud, insider trading and treasonous media leaks are just the pustulent whiteheads on the swollen, festering ass-pimples that comprise the Bush Administration.

Speaking of Bush, why the hell was he monitoring the Rita situation at NorthCom HQ on Sept. 24? NorthCom HQ is in Colorado- which everyone knows is prime Hurricane country- and is coincidently the default Command center in case of Martial Law. Interesting.
Sure were a lot a rabble-rousers out on the 24th. Did Georgie think that the rabble would become dangerously roused?
I wonder if he was watching this ? Refresh the page after you click link. What the hell are those five infra-red hot spots that just materialize on the left and rapidly vanish? Notice that Rita changes course significantly northward after these spots appear.Maybe they were trying some sort of extremely dicey weather-mod experiment , just to see what the fuck would happen, and W was "staying out of the way" in more ways than one.

I told ya about Chemtrails and Government Weather Manipulation Conspiracy. I just never believed it. Turns out that I was right. In fact the goddamn Bill ( s.517 109th Congress) goes into effect Oct. 1st.
Section Eight ( Funding) allows for a measly 10 million dollar annual budget. Any Bad Guy worth his salt knows you can't do shit with 10 million bucks. That's why Sec. 8, Paragraph C merits a second look. G'wan- look at the damn thing.
Ok, I'll paste it-it says exactly this:
c) GIFTS- The Board may accept, use, and dispose of gifts or donations of services or property.

That's it. One sentence. No limits, restrictions, details of accountablity-no details at about anything.

Who knows? Maybe it's just a way to get free ski trips from grateful resort owners , but it sure looks like it opens the door to unlimited corporate influence.

Shit. All the crazy paranoid shit I used to half-jokingly rant about is actually true, or at least close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades.

So with BushCo taking it on the political chin over-and-over these days, do you think they might try some sort of nightmare stunt in an attempt to regain some ground? They are possessed of the sort of unquenchably thirsty Evil that makes Dr. Doom start saying Hail Maries. Anything's possible, the only thing we know for certain is that, if such a move is made, they'll FUBAR the whole thing. Badly. Probably badly enough for all sorts of Medals and no-bid contracts to be awarded to the guilty at the expense of the innocent.

For five (5) FIVE! years , our nation has been in the hands of evil madmen, and most of you (not you, I know you knew) are just NOW getting a clue that King George is doing a somewhat less than great job? Sheesh.

I hate to say it, bit I told ya so.


Herself said...

cause im proud to be an american

Herself said...

omg i so didnt say that it was one of the voices just joking around ;)

Susannity said...

I was watching Charlie Rose the other night and they had some journalist from the NY Post or something. He seemed like an interesting enough chap, didn't say anything overtly stupid. He feels Bushco has until next spring before the whole country realizes what a schmuck he is. Uh huh. If they don't get it now, they never will imo.