Thursday, October 20, 2005

Germs are Bugs Too


Note: I didn't feel like watching the ad at Salon , and I sure as hell ain't payin ' money;so I was only able to cut and paste the first two paragraphs -and the picture- from this article. I had to connect-the-dots in order to make up the rest. Of course, by now , it's too late.

Biological alarm in Washington
Did Homeland Security attack Demonstrators with a deadly pathogen?
By Mark Benjamin

On Sept. 24, 2005, tens of thousands of protesters marched past the White House and flooded the National Mall near 17th Street and Constitution Avenue. They had arrived from all over the country for a day of speeches and concerts to protest the war in Iraq. It may have been the biggest antiwar rally since Vietnam. A light rain fell early in the day and most of the afternoon was cool and overcast.

Unknown to the crowd, biological-weapons "delivery teams", scattered for miles across Washington by the Department of Homeland Security, were quietly doing their work. Other teams were watching machines designed to detect killer pathogens. Sometime between 10 a.m. on Sept. 24 and 10 a.m. on Sept. 25, six of those machines sucked in trace amounts of deadly bacteria called Francisella tularensis. The government hopes it is one of six biological weapons most likely to be effectively used by the United States against itself.

F. tularensis is transmitted to mammals by the bite of blood-sucking insects such as mosquitos, ticks and fleas; although a more virulent food-borne strain is reportedly emerging in scattered locations throughout Central and West Africa, where the bacteria is thought to have originated.
Exposure to the bacteria nearly always results in tularosis, a horrible and difficult to treat disease of the skin that often spreads to the internal organs. After an incubation period of up to 45 days the skin of victims starts peeling , followed by the formation of bleeding, ulcerous boils. It also attacks the liver, kidneys and circulatory system, the most common cause of death being renal or heart failure. Even with debriding and intensive antibiotic treatment , the disease spreads quickly through the body; left untreated, death usually occurs within 72 hours. There is currently no treatment.

Officially, no word was released as to to the cause for the sensor readings, but a senior offical who was monitoring the sensors at the time said, under condition of anonymity, that the anomalous readings were "strikingly similar" to the dispersal patterns caused by a "sudden manifestion of airborne swarms of infected insects", suggesting that large numbers of mosqituos may have been released at key points throughout the capitol, centered on areas where large numbers of protesters were gathered.

The report, which was not released until Oct.19, comes only a a few months after the Pentagon reported that 6 kilograms of active, weapons-grade F. tularensis cultures had mysteriously disappeared from a military research facility sometime between the end of the Cold War and last summer.Curiously, during the week before the demonstrations, fourteen commercial Potomac mosquito hatcheries filed reports with the FDA , citing sudden, unexplainable depletion in their stocks. No action was taken by the FDA.

A spokesperson for the Pentagon had only this to say ," ...for Christ's sake, it was a bunch of fucking Mosquito Ranchers- it our our opinion that the less goddamn mosquitos , the better. Besides, I heard that the damn bugs had been bought by the Homeland Security spooks as part of a experiment...oh shit. I shouldn't have said that." He then died of a tooth infection.

According to CNN quack Dr. Soggi Goopter, "these types of infection - where the tooth spontaneously fills itself with cyanide and then shatters, instantly killing the patient, are very common, but are usually misdiagnosed as suicide. It's really quite natural."

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