Saturday, November 12, 2005

G.O.P. (Gassing Of Puppies)

When the right-wing whackjobs get desperate, they get crazy. Truly out of their collective think-tanked, oil-puddled minds crazy. Haldol crazy.
Pat Robertson, unhappy that Jesus has yet to assassinate Hugo Chavez, has recently condemned Pennsylvania to suffer god's wrath because its citizens refuse to acknowledge Flat Earth Theory/Creationism as valid science. Note to Flat Earthers: Evolution happens. Avian Flu, which is currently receiving a lot of airplay, is a great example of evolution in action.
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Ahmed Chalabi, whose Iraqi National Council sold the Bushites millions of dollars worth of fabricated pre-invasion "intelligence" regarding Iraqi WMD, embezzelled $300 million from Jordan, delivered highly classified U.S. intelligence to Iran and is currently being investigated by the FBI, is given a Hero's welcome in D.C. "Hero in error", indeed.

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Guess what? The decision to invade Iraq was a pretty unwise move. Shocking, eh? Well, don't you dare tell Bush that he fucked-up. He's drunk and defensive and keeps saying looney shit like:

"While it is perfectly legitimate to criticize my decision or the conduct of the war, it is deeply irresponsible to rewrite the history of how that war began."

-Der Chimp, re-writing history

Remind me again why we invaded Iraq? I remember the gassing of cute puppies. Something about chemical labs mounted on remote-control nuclear gliders blowing up and smoking mushroom gun clouds, Anthrax smokescreens and way too much Rumsfeld and Rice, but most of all I remember the Puppy Gassing. Over and over with the gassed puppy video. Run, Spot, run.

To Bush's credit, I haven't seen a single puppy gassed since he started his war, which I guess means that we won. When he says, "we do not torture", he is obviously talking about puppies. No dogs were harmed in the production of the Abu Ghraib photos.
Can we go home now?

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Dildo enthusiast Bill O'Reilly accuses anyone voicing antiwar opinions of undermining our troops and endangering National security and then goes on to suggest, even invite, an attack on a very specific American target by a very specific terrorist group. Why does Bill hate America? Why does he still have a job?

"And if al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead."

-Loofah Lad, commiting treason and pissing off firefighters

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. ( I think a videotape of a national TV broadcast counts as two witnessess)
-The United States Constitution, rapidly becoming irrelevant

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Things at home aren't currently so great for the Neo-Cons , but since they are still in charge, they are making damn sure things really suck for the rest of us.
This mess of a "benefit" was an obvious disaster before it was even rubber-stamped into law, but who cares? We've already accrued enough national debt to bankrupt a yet-unborn generation- why should we take it easy on old sick people? If they need some help paying for medicine, they can get jobs at Wal-Mart. Have a yellow smile and a blue smock for your Golden Years, Granpa. It'll be over soon.

We can't take care of our own people but we sure as hell saved some puppies from Saddam.

I never supported the Iraq invasion. Perhaps you did. We all make mistakes.
Are we better off now than six years ago? Five years? Six weeks? Yesterday?
Two thousand lifetimes ago?
Do you still think it was worth it?

If you do, enlist today- before Michael Moore gasses your puppy.


Anonymous said...

brilliant !!!

Susannity said...

lol I love the PhD quote in the medicare article.
See it's really a plot by the neocons to kill off our elderly thereby decreasing the need for a nasty welfare state. Down the road, once they start seeing their friends drop like flies while they try to figure out the plan to get their meds, they'll give up and gladly pay whatever the drug companies want. Just gotta think like a Republican. =P

Allan said...

"...Soylent Green is...(choke)...Soylent Green is
- Chuckie Cheese

I used to think that was funny before it became true.

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