Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Mayhem Vote

I think I got the bird flu. Maybe it's south Nile virus or Legionairre's disease. Could be early-stage bubonic plague.
I think it's probably just a bad cold w/ sinusitis, but I took the day off because I feel contagious.
-- --- -- --

It's election day. I used a touch-screen machine for the first time. I don't trust it. I tried to find a manufacturer's tag and check it for security safeguards, but a poll worker came over to offer "help" when I started opening the rear panel w/ my Swiss army knife.

Dubya was in town yesterday to support the totally corrupt GOP candidates (Kilgore et al). Actually, W was at the airport 15 miles east of here- after a hostile reception rained on his South American parade he was in no mood to stay and chat, I suppose.
Given Bush's hard-earned unpopularity, I'm surprised that his endorsement was welcomed at all.
If Kilgore wins, he promises to repeal the ban on the carrying of concealed firearms in bars and nightclubs. Great combo. Liqour, guns and crowds.
I've spent roughly half my life in bars and clubs and have never encountered a problem that could be solved by the use of firearms*- except for those times when I was a little short on cash.
Can't pay your tab?
Rob the bar.
You've got a gun and you're so drunk you don't care about tomorrow, why not? It would be like Norm robbing Cheers , but so what? Live for the moment, damnit!
I'm glad I can't drink anymore. It's one thing to exchange insults with other drunks, it's quite another to exchange small-arms fire with them.

*I did have a 1980's-era gig at a club where someone was murdered, but it was a quick knife between the ribs , delivered from behind with no warning. A gun would have been useless. No one saw it happen, the guy just fell down and died. Unsolved.

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