Tuesday, January 10, 2006

French Popsicle Digression

I like France. I like some French things: guilliotines, baguettes, Gong, kisses etc. I like the phrase "French Popsicle". (What is that, anyway?)
France helped us break away from our first Mad King George way back in the 18th century. The Louisiana Purchase was a sweetheart deal and the Statue of Liberty is really cool in an extravagantly tricky sort of way *; but they've gone too far this time.

I'm kidding. That guy and his dead dad are both obviously stupid. Cryogenic "resurrection" is a dumb idea. The freezing process destroys the cell-walls in delicate tissues - such as the brain-so until you can repair that damage , cryogenics is useless for immortality purposes. It also raises some grave spiritual matters- suppose, for instance, that you could thaw out and re-animate a frozen person- would the thawed person have the same "person-hood" or "soul" that they had when they died? If they did, would this prove that what we consider to be the 'spirit' is just an elaborately printed and programmed circuit-board placed between our ears, something that can be turned on and off with the proper administration of electric current?
If , as some believe, the soul/spirit moves on to a different state or plane of "being", then what exactly fills up the thawed vessel? Lost Souls? Pet Sematary demons? Margarita mix?

If I was frozen and revived, I'd make up a story about how Heaven was very real and how all the people who are currently fucking-up (way,way too many to list or link) are going straight to Hell, and if you want a piece of the Heaven action, you'd better follow my Rules- which I haven't written yet , but would largely be :

1)Play Nice (or go to hell)
2)Don't Bother Me (as 3 below)
3)Stop Fucking Up (as 1 above)

I doubt if it would do much good. It'd probably just help perpetuate the madness ,spawning new ,derivative spiritual cannon- fodder; millions of fanatical, self-proclaimed 'faithful 'committing all sorts of horrible acts while invoking my name , mis-quoting my words and abusing my philosophy. Nothing would really change, come to think of it.

* The Statue was actually a modern- day Trojan Horse, carrying inside it some 18,000 French soldiers determined to take New York City- an unforeseen outbreak of Legionairre's Disease killed them all and they remained entombed inside the statue for nearly a century , when their dessicated remains were spirited away under the cover of this operation.
In this context, two mom and popsicles shouldn't be such a big deal.

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