Monday, January 09, 2006

Recent Errata

It seems that they've caught the human filth that murdered Kathy and her whole family. They killed at least three other people in town, including a young woman who assisted them in their earlier crimes and her parents.

Our little town has been full of bullshit rumours which don't bear repeating and ghoul-monger TV 'journalists' who need to leave the victim's family and friends alone. The Today Show and Entertainment Tonight have been especially egregious offenders- harrassing everyone they can connect with the victim's- even parking a Today van in front of one local musician's house for two days, traumatizing his bereaved daughter even more.
Go home, you sick fucks . Show's over.

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Speaking of sick fucks, where's my health insurance? It expired 1/01/06, which is freekin' hilarious, since it became effective on 12/25/05. Six days of coverage. Hannukah lasts longer than that. I still have dental and vision, but no medical.

I thought it was just me and my pre-existing huge medical debt, but my co-worker (she's been there a lot longer than me) had hers cancelled too. No notification- she just checked the site after I told her my tale. She's pissed.
(Watch out, HR guy!)
When I reached our HR manager he said don't worry, it'd be straightend out. Then he called back, asking if I had an original confirmation on my policy.
He sounded disappointed when I said yes. He was going to "look into it".
I almost quit.
I am quite accomplished in the art of job-quitting. If you ever see me getting ready to quit a job, get as far away from me as possible and take cover. I am the Godzilla of job-quitting. Many of my ex-bosses are dead and their businesses gone or in the hands of others. (This doesn't make me happy, it's just the way it is)

So far, it seems like management still has insurance, while us hourly drones are left wondering if things are going to get fixed, or if we're getting ready to get down-sized out of our jobs. If they aren't going to provide health coverage, I might as well go back to temping.

This company went through the trouble of tracking me down (I'd been a temp there before) and offering a 'real job- now they seem hell-bent on making me quit. They wanted me to travel to an office 300 miles away and help them set up a "system" for not losing shit.When they lose shit like people's wills and property deeds it causes problems. I am great at not losing other peoples shit, so I was picked to un-lose the missing shit- (which is different than finding shit )except they wanted me to rent a car myself, make my own reservations and pay my own expenses , after my trip they'd pay me back. Eventually.
After they finally get my last paycheck fixed, and "look into"my insurance.
Shit. On. That.
If I had enough money to do all that rental travel stuff, I'd go somewhere else-anywhere without an office would do- and call it a vacation, which I've not had since 2002.
(Being broke or hospitalized and unemployed doesn't count.)

I resolve to do fuck-all at work until I get my bennies back.

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We had a great band in the studio Saturday. They told me their really long name a whole bunch of times, but I can't remember it. It's a shit name, but the band is really good. Very quirky arty punkpopmonsterisms kinda like Pere Ubu meets old (1980's)Birthday Party. Hopefully , I can convince them to let me sit in with them soon; I don't really care what instrument they want me to play, I just hope I get a chance to play at all. I feel like I've got this vast reservoir of untamed, untouched musical energy- I just need the right band to help me tap into and control it just long enough for it to take on it's own life.
Music is not like writing.
Yes it is.
No, it's not.
('Maybe it is, maybe it isn't' ,would be more accurate).
I prefer solitude when writing, but I really miss playing music with others. In front of an audience, especially.
It's my only super-power.
When it's good, it's better than everything. It's the best place to be.
I haven't been there for a long time.

I don't know if I'll ever find happiness, but if I do, it will surely involve words and sounds.

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Hello, Baltimore- wherever you are.

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