Saturday, February 18, 2006

Next !

It's been awhile since I browsed random blogs via the 'next blog' button.
There are a lot of blogs out there , some good, some awful and some are just bizarre, but I've noticed a new trend; at first I thought it was the spontaneous explosion of a neo-dadaist
literary movement with a surreal absurdist twist.
Well, it is.
Sort of.

I'd wager 5 of my favorite toenails that blogs like this , and this are the end result of someone's 'get-rich quick' schemes, hiding links to on-line drug dealers and virtual 3-card monty sites inside the body of some truly strange computer-generated text and using blogger for free advert space. Note that some of them have removed the "flag this" button from the HTML in the masthead. I made a point of flagging the ones that didn't.

This sort of thing is just a crass abuse of blog.

Then there's this and this ; examples of a sub-branch of this strange new school of envelope-stuffing surrealists. Their computer sucks. Two thumbs down!


Susannity said...

Yikes I didn't understand most of those blogs lol.

Clicking "next" is how I found your blog Allan. It was serendipitous indeed!

Allan said...


Those aren't blogs (except the 1st 3) - those are scams. I hope blogger steps in. It took me a long time to find a well-written human blog, which used to be fairly easy. Annoyed, I was.