Thursday, March 02, 2006


BREAKING NEWS: The internet is full of bullshit artists who are busily devising new ways to separate you from your money. It's the same crap you used to see in the back of comic books and detective mags -it just looks slick because it's done on computers.
Most of these digital gypsies are in dire need of a proofreader and editor- for instance if Joe Suckwad offers to sell you a program that'll teach you how to earn $100,000 a month in the "Calfornia Reel Esate Market (sic)" , DO NOT send him money. Send him an email asking "What the fuck is a Reel Esate Market?"

My newest pen pal- a Prince from Sierra Leone, no less!- wanted me to use my bank account so he can move his millions of exiled dollars into the USA. I told him I didn't have a bank account, but if he sent me $2,000 I'd be glad to open one that he could use.

We are no longer friends.

SO: If you think you are being scammed , fleeced, duped, conned or ripped-off , let me know. Send some money to me via the 'donate' button on the right (it's a real-life PayPal link)- I don't care how much - and I will assess your scam situation and advise you accordingly.

Do you question my aptitude for grift? Read on.

In 1999 I actually (almost) made money selling college freshmen orders for "Metric Watches" - didn't they know that in 2000 we were converting to the Metric time system?- 10 hours per day, 100 minutes per hour, one hundred seconds per hour. We called this the "Euro-Day." My buddy David actually did the math so we could quote conversions off the top of our heads. We printed order forms on the office PC. We always told them it was a joke right before we closed the deal, but most scammers aren't that nice.
NOTE: College freshmen are perhaps the dumbest demographic market in the world- that's free advice you can take to the bank!

So send me your scam-and some money- and I can tell you how to avoid it or exploit it- your choice. Include as much detail as possible.

If you don't have or don't want a PayPal account, just enter your credit card information in the 'comments' field below. Please remember to include card expiration date, PIN # and any applicable passwords.

Thank You,
"Sterling" Al


Anonymous said...

This is great, link away. Saying that about real estate would make them think your a great person to scam, then the scam baiting can begin! What do you think about my comment about refraining from doing ONLINE business with people in Nigeria? Theres a debate going on saying that its racist. I say its just a precaution

Allan said...

I say it's bloody good sense, is what!