Thursday, March 02, 2006

Speaking of...

This man produces more bullshit than a million rodeos.
This is a great idea. Garrison Keillor agrees.
So do a lot of people.
Still a great idea.


Bush was sure that he'd made some mistakes, but just couldn't think of any. Really?

I can't think of one single Bush policy that isn't a complete SNAFU from top to bottom- unless you are a Terrorist and/or an Oil Billionaire, there's nothing but bad news from this White House.

Terrorism and Oil Profits both had record-breaking windfall years under Bush. Coincidence, I'm sure.

It may already be too late. He's let international Oil, Arms and Banking Cartels buy this country from the inside out. Our ports, our armed services, all three branches of our Government- all franchised out in secret no-bid contracts to whomever kissed the most GOP ass on K street. This is public knowledge -has been for years- but most of you chose to pretend it couldn't really be that bad.

Well, brace yourself. Bury some gold in the hills and start stockpiling ammo and potable water.

The damage to America you think you've heard about ain't shit compared to what you don't know yet. I pray I'm wrong, but I doubt if I am. So many lies and secrets coming out every day. Where's it end?

After the 2000 rigged election , I knew bad times were coming, but even my cynical ass couldn't guess that it would get this bad. Will we ever recover or is America's time in the sun over?

We should be able to return to greatness. We survived the depresssion, WWII and eight years of Reagan- but nothing lasts forever.

Impeachment and incarceration of the entire GOP crime machine (and some Democrats ) would be a great start at rebuilding. What are the odds? Slim, but getting sligtly better now that the "I" word is being spoken in public.

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