This might be true. Another war of lies may cause the public to rise up and throw their incompetent and religiously insane leaders out of office. This is a lot likelier to happen in America than in Iran.
One former defense official said the military planning was premised on a belief that "a sustained bombing campaign in Iran will humiliate the religious leadership and lead the public to rise up and overthrow the government," The New Yorker pointed out.
Bombing Iran will just further polarize the Muslim world against the USA and give Iran's leaders a great excuse to clamp down even harder on dissent and civil rights - I mean if it's OK for the US to torture and kidnap because we are at war , what happens in places where it's already OK to torture and kidnap when they go to war?
If Nukes get used- and the option is open- all bets are off.
The very idea of using nuclear weapons -no matter what the reason, no matter what the target- is so Total Bugshit Insane that I'm almost certain that Bush will do it.
Watch out. If we start hearing any serious discussion of Impeachment, we may finally see those mushroom clouds that pathological liar Condeleeza Rice warned us about so long ago.
She forgot to mention that we'd be the ones responsible.
Nuclear weapons.
No shit.
Is BushCo so addicted to power that they'd destroy everything rather than relinquish control?
Yes. They would.
And they will try, no doubt about it.
I hear a calliope approaching...
BushCo seems firmly wedded to the notion that the way to stop terrorism is to antagonize all Islamic countries in every way possible.
And I'm with you on the nuclear weapons. Bush can't pronounce them, but I doubt he'd hesitate to use them if given the slightest opportunity to believe the rest of the globe wouldn't jump on us like a duck on a junebug.
After all we went to Iraq over weapons of mass destructions, and we were the only ones to use them there (in this war, at least... I'm not denying Sadams' chemical warfare against his own citizens).
God I hate this administration.
See the latest post on Past is Prologue. That picture is worth a thousand (well spoken) words.
People ruin everything.
tap, tap, tap, tap... well????
don't make me start without you!
"don't make me start without you!"
please, go ahead-please!
- um, don't mind me.
oh my, i'm laughing...
I wonder what has become of our kindness. Was it ever really there, or does it exist only in some re-written memory?
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