Friday, April 07, 2006

Flat Earthers Piss Me Off

Note: This is my first-ever blogpost, republished here as filler.

Remember when the world was widely considered to be flat? I bet you don't. That's because a bunch of egg-head scientists and left-wing public school teachers have sold you on the lie that the world is round. Perhaps you've been shown a "globe" to help convince you of this falsehood.

Don't fall for this trick. What you are being shown is merely a ball.
Prove this to yourself-proceed to your nearest "globe" and kick it in the same manner you'd kick a soccer ball. Better yet, hit it with a baseball bat. It reacts like a ball, doesn't it? (Unless you've got one of those fancy-schmancy wooden "globes", in which case you'd better drag your intellectually elitist ass out of your ivory tower and head to the ER to get a cast on your newly-damaged foot).
In case you haven't noticed, the world is a goddamn cube.It's exactly 6 1/2' by 6 1/2'.
I know this because I measured it using a 3"x5" post-it note. It took a while.
Since I got paid for doing that I,must be a "professional".
Everyone knows you can always trust a professional to fix or solve yer problems (my so- called therapist being the exception). Wrong! They all suck and are useless for anything except billing you.
Those glowing sticks in the sky? Those are aren't called "stars", and yes , you've been lied to about more than just those.
That's not the sky- it's the ceiling. Reach for the acoustic tile, not for the stars.
On a positive note, space-travel is easier now than ever. Every single goddamned day I travel to another planet (also square) and bring coffee back to Earth. Somedays I go to a really big square planet full of glassy-eyed humanoids. Some people try to tell me these are called "meetings" , but I know them for what they really are-Alien Abductions.

Right down to the anal probe. If you haven't noticed this, you need another trip to Planet Coffee. Is it five o'clock yet?


Anonymous said...
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Allan said...

No astronomers were injured or abused in the production of this post.

BwcaBrownie said...

Your first post was an excellent start.
The Earth is flat and we will burn at the stake, anyone who disagrees.

Amy said...

admit it... the anal probes aren't so bad...