"We are already at war"
Place yer bets- I'm giving 5 to 1 that we (openly) attack Iran before the November elections. Why are we going to do that? Because Bush and Khamenei are cut from the same bloody cloth.
Bush wants another war so he can remain in power- and Khamenei wishes us to attack him so that he too can remain in power.
Have you noticed that the current BushCo rhetoric about Iran is exactly what was said about Iraq?
Omigod! Iran might have nukes! How do we deal with that? By threatening them with nukes. Brilliant.
The conflict will give both men an excuse to abolish whatever Civil Rights the citizens of their respective countries currently enjoy. Dissent? None of that.
Clampdown, oh yeah!
Sorry, no elections this time around- we're at war , ya see? I knew you'd understand.
It'll rally the violent Conservative Fundamentalists that are the power base of both men.
Different prophets, same Neanderthal mentality.
My God can whip your God.
Bring it on, infidel.
Militarily, economically, politically - anyway you look at it , a US/Iran war will be bad for everyone who isn't a war-profiteering religious terrorist. Nothing good will result. Not one thing.
Too bad for the rest of us that war-profiteering religious terrorists are in charge of both nations.
They want this war, they need this war- it gives meaning to their violent superstition- the Invisible Cloud Being will come down to Earth and sort out the Bad Guys and take the Good Guys up to HolyCloud, Paradise or wherever.
There are no Good Guys in this new Holy War, just Bad Guys and victims.
Jesus would shit flaming halos if He saw what you fuckers are doing in His name.
I'm not sure what Mohammed's reaction to all this religious war-mongering would be , but I'm giving 20 to 1 that it wouldn't involve carbombs and assassinations.
Actually there will be a terrorist attack on US soil a couple of months before the 2008 presidential elections. That way Bush can declare no elections because we are at war, and remain in power indefinitely. Scary, but I bet it will happen. His administration let 9-11 happen, why not another if it keeps him and his cronies in power that much longer. The neo-cons aren't done destryong this great country yet.
Damnit. WHY did you guys vote for Bush? I'm sitting here in Sweden having to defend my country. You're not making it easy for me ! And I hope you all understand this is not directed towards Democrats. I love you guys.
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