Even more good news!
The Lost Patrol will be playing live at WRIR on 29 June , 5 -7 PM USA EST- tune in here and listen.
It's always fun when bands come into the studio and play, not many radio stations have live bands play on the air anymore but we do- and I love doing it. Having the Lost Patrol on will be great. I've only heard a little bit, but it sounded pretty good.
I hear that they are famous in Sweden, which is interesting because I am also famous in Sweden.
Disregard the previous sentence. That's a different Lost Patrol Band (also good). The one coming Thursday is from NYC. Check out their site (above)- looks very interesting- the sort of band that is fun and challenging to engineer for.
Honestly, I've liked almost all the bands we've had over the last 18 months- some of them were pretty awful, but all the members were nice and into having fun. It's much better than doing nightclub sound. At the club you are surrounded by drunks and the acoustics and equipment usually suck.
The bands were often tired , underfed and cranky from road-weariness and/or drugs, and they were prone to being ripped off by whatever sleazy promoter/ owner had booked them.
I was working free-lance, but the bands didn't know that and would sometimes blame me for whatever the owner did to them- guilt by association.
It's better now.
The station has a really comfy 'vibe', it relaxes the guests- they play better that way, it's really cozy and intimate and you can hear that in the recordings...there's been a couple 'prima donna' types who complained about our crap equipment, the walls, the lights- everything- but only a couple.
My experiences have been almost overwhelmingly positive, other than said 'rock stars'
I don't keep up with music that much, so when somebody tells me how famous they are, the chances are that I've never heard of them.
If the ego-star notices this , it pisses them off so they start complaining about the stage or the monitors or the traffic ,the food - something.
This sort of thing almost never happens at the station, but it was an almost nightly experience when I was doing club sound.
There's nothing worse than doing club sound for a band that thinks they've already hit the bigtime but never will.
It's much more relaxed and mellow at the station.
After I've worked with a band thereI usually like them, even it's not something I'd normally listen to- it's just that sharing an experience as fun as a live broadcast creates a sort of human bond- it's something special, magical- every party involved- the band, the DJ, myself- we are all there because we love music.
Simple as that.
I've been exposed to some neat stuff.
Balkan marching bands, global grooves , Native American, gospel/soul, punk, folk, jazz- all good.
We aren't getting paid- we're doing it because there isn't anything else we'd rather be doing. Not many people get to do what we do.
Makes me feel lucky.
I really am.
Best Thursday since... I dunno. A long time?
If you feel compelled to hear me speak, tune in Sat ,30 june , 3 -5 usa est. I'll be playing 80's music, some of which might not suck.
Can we hear it on the web?
yep. tune in at wrir.org (link in post and sidebar).
I 'd be pleased as punch if ya did.
Sorry, they're not famous in Sweden.
/Sweden expert
Yeah, neither am I. But I found a link to a different Lost Patrol Band from Sweden that had a lot of albums and thought it was them. They looked kinda underground cool, which is famous for me.
Bands should be given computer generated
random names based on blogger word verification to eliminate this confusion.
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