Wow. This was going to get really nuts, real borderline psychotic stuff about ??? who knows?
But then I read about Chicago. I read about Chicago tonight- on the blog of a red-haired Scorpio- and the mere mention of Chicago calmed me down. Made me hungry.
The fact that I was able to type the phrase "red-haired Scorpio" without breaking into a cold, trembly sweat is quite a testament to the calming power of Chicago-ish thoughts.
I went downstairs and grabbed a banana and I'm fantasizing that it's a Polish sausage w/ spicy onions and mustard. (Spare me the puns, please)
Foods that would be deemed lethal if served in California are quite wholesome in Chicago, it's as if the whole city's population has diplomatic immunity from cholesterol.
I love the Chicago Diet and only regret that I can no longer swill Old Style while I play pinball, which used to be Chicago's favorite aerobic exercise. Swilling, I mean- although pinball is popular too...
Here is a photograph of one of my fave sources of 3 a.m. grease. Their cheeseburgers are healthier than oatmeal, so I always order two. I believe in eating well, you see.
I've never eaten there sober.
Hmm...I'd forgotten that part. I wonder how a 3 am cheeseburger tastes when one is sober? I will find out on my next visit. Nighthawks at the diner-whoo!

Here's a picture of Chicago in the spring, down by the lake. This was a few years ago and the weather was freaking perfect- look how pretty it is. Notice that there are no people. Chi-town is a huuuge city, but it's amazingly easy to be alone in it if you choose.

Some of the bridges still go up and down. Watching them is fun unless you're watching it from behind the steering wheel. Then it sucks, because it means that you are stuck in traffic with nothing to look at except the up-ended bridge in front of you. After a while you will notice that the bridge looks a lot like a road, only vertical.
Then you will get bored.
Will this bridge ever go down?
Eventually it does and things get better, so just relax, wouldja?
It's only a bridge, you know?

Even baseball is interesting if you watch it in Chicago. I suppose there are people in Chicago who hate sports , but I shudder to think of the lonely, loveless and deprived lives they must lead. What do they talk about? The weather? Chicago weather is actually interesting, so maybe a sports-free life is possible after all. My heart goes out to those who try. Tough town for that.
Even the homeless guys wish the Bears would get a decent quarterback- it's that kind of city.

Goddamn it! I have fruit, yogurt and oatmeal in the house. I want a sausage with peppers and hot relish - *sigh*- eating healthily is sometimes dull, but I do it anyway.
Unless I'm in Chicago.
Then it's bratwurst and kraut...mmmm.
Ohhh don’t get me started on the food! We don’t have one decent restaurant within 15 miles of this town Vienna Hot Dog? Italian Beef with hot peppers? Deep Dish Pizza? They don’t even know what those things are out here!
Drooling, I am ... you should try asking for tomatoes on a hot dog here- they look at you as if you are insane - and all they have is slices which don't sit on the bun very well at all. Madness!
Get me to Normal Avenue! ( My Twin lives on Normal Ave- no shit!)
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