Wednesday, July 11, 2007

That Many?

I tend to believe exactly the opposite of what BushCo says. To me, this article seems to say that Osama bin Laden has sent the White House a detailed, hand-written, signed and notarized itinerary of his follower's latest 'travel plans'.

WASHINGTON, July 11 (Reuters) - The Bush administration said on Wednesday
there was no specific, credible terrorism threat against the United States
and denied that an emergency meeting had been called.

"There continues to be no credible, specific intelligence to suggest that there is an imminent threat to the homeland,"White House spokesman Tony Fratto said.

There's some real irony here. With a slight modification and a five -year trip into the past, Fratto's statement becomes truth:

"There continues to be no credible, specific intelligence to suggest that there is an imminent threat to the homeland from Iraqi military or WMD"
- Informed American Citizen, circa 2002

It was obvious at the time that Iraq wasn't a threat, yet most of the nation was uncritically buying into the Bushit Machine's saber-rattling , logic-defying claptrap. During the run-up to the Iraqi invasion, I was much more frightened of my fellow Americans than I was of Saddam Hussien.

Saddam never sent me threatening emails, screaming in ALL CAPS: "IF GORE WAS PRESIDENT YOU WOULD BE SPEAKING IRAQI (sic) NOW! DIE LIBERAL, DIE!"

I used to have the occasional political post on the now-defunct Daily Dirt site, and my anti-war screeds sometimes provoked 'patriotic' readers to tell me just how wrong I was about Bush, Iraq, the Saudis and the Project for a New American Century. I wish that I had been wrong.

Americans used to tell me: " You know, you should consider putting a flag decal on your car. People are slashing tires on cars that don't have flags."

I had more than a few Americans make the preceding suggestion, none of whom understood that targeting individuals for violence on the basis of their political beliefs is terrorism.

Look, I would say, if you slash my tires because I don't share your political views, then you are a terrorist, you are not a patriot.

Then I would brace for impact, because criticizing stupidity was a dangerous thing to do in 2002.

Today, according to Gallup, 29% of American adults who are at home during the day and have both time and inclination to answer telephone surveys approve of BushCo's job performance.

Has Gallup ever called you? I have never been polled by Gallup. Who gets these calls? The survey claims to have called 1,014 households, which is far from being enough to draw any sort of objective conclusion from. A more accurate headline would read:

Twenty-Nine Percent of American Poll Respondents are Morons

Of the 29% , I'd wager that over half of them responded favorably because they are apathetic towards politics. They find the news to be grim, depressing and confusing, therefore they don't pay attention. "Yeah, sure , Bush is OK, I guess...", might be a typical response from such disinterested parties. When you read the poll, question number two asks if there is sufficient cause to begin impeachment hearings against BushCo, only 36% of those polled said yes.

In other words, only 36% of those polled have a basic understanding of the U.S. Constitution:

Article III, Section 3: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

Immediately after 9/11, dozens of Saudi royals and members of the bin Laden
family fled the U.S. in a secret airlift authorized by the Bush White House. One
passenger was an alleged al-Qaida go-between
, who may have known about the
terror attacks in advance.

Of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers, fifteen were Saudi Arabians. 15 of 19.

Osama bin Laden is a Saudi.

So why is BushCo holding hands with Saudi Prince Abdullah? Abdullah's countrymen attacked us. Is a hand-held guided tour of the Rose Garden giving 'aid and comfort' to the enemy? Bin Laden attacked us and BushCo rounded up Osama's family and covertly escorted them safely home- was that 'aid and comfort'?

There is a precedent for our president:

In October of 1942, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, the U.S. government halted operations at New York's Union Banking Corporation.
A bank official was charged with "Running Nazi front groups in the United States."
His name: Prescott Bush. (Dubya's granpa-ed.)

The apple seldom lands far from the tree.


Craig D said...

Too... much... truth...

Cannot... process... facts...

Brain... hurts...

Soul... in... torment...

But it needed to be pointed out, and point it out you did!

Clinton was dogged his whole presidency by a "special prosecutor" just looking for a reason to start up impeachment proceedings.

Perhaps GWB needs his own, personal Kevin Starr.

CS said...

Slashing tires of the non-flag bearing cars - what have we come to? So much for freedom.

Craig D said...

..or was it Kenneth Starr?

...or Ringo Starr?

...or Edwin (War! What is it good for?) Starr?

Craig D.
(The "D" is for "DUH!")

Allan said...

CS- The bumpersticker landscape has changed dramatically since 2002. Not so many 'W' stickers now.

CD- s'ok. I knew what you meant. I'm with Edwin.

the rube said...

did bush go magician college?

he seems to have mastered misdirection.

yellowdoggranny said...

I have a bumper sticker on my truck that says"
WE ARE THE DECIDERS...molly ivins.
and on my door a black figure eight that says:enough with the ribbons..
so far no one has slashed my tires..but then everyone in town knows I'm a whack job and will run them down with my truck if I catch them...

more cowbell said...

Damn. I remember when I used to be proud to be American. But by the time I left Hungary in 2003, I pretty much kept my mouth shut, so no one would hear my American accent.

Great correlation between Grandaddy P and his little Cubya.

I read this post out loud to the daughters. Thanks.

more cowbell said...

PS (damn, I need to just take a minute before pressing "publish" -- i'm constantly posting PSs.) Anyway, PS -- one thing I do like about living in the PNW is the bumper sticker climate is strongly and decidedly blue. There are some great ones out here.

Loving YDG's Molly Ivins bumper sticker.