JENA, LA- Thousands of cheering supporters today attended a public ceremony presided over by the Rev. Al Sharpton, who this morning performed Louisiana's first mixed-race, homosexual marriage on the steps of the Jena, La. (pop. 225) Courthouse.
The grooms, Louisiana State Police officers Rufus Downs, 35 and Rupert Low, 32, then joined the crowd of well-wishers in a parade along the tiny township's Main Street. The throng, an evenly-mixed group of blacks and whites estimated by police to number over five thousand, sang a rousing medley of 'We Shall Overcome/Give Peace a Chance' while showering the departing newlyweds with handfuls of white rice and black beans.
Messrs. Downs-Low declined to announce their honeymoon plans, simply stating," We never thought we'd see this day. God Bless America!"
Of course that didn't happen.
This is what really happened.
We have a long way to go.
all they needed was some snarling german shepherds and a hose and it was the 60's all over again...how far we haven't come...but then didn't katrina remind us of that?
I predict that young Mr. Bell will be released on Monday.If not on his own recognaisance,then to the custody of his parent/s.He'll be charged as a minor with misdemanor battery,appear in family court,plead nolo contendre,and be sentenced to time served.
I also predict that D.A. Walters will resign from office at the end of the year,in order to "spend more time with his family".
Dude..I have little doubt that this whole debaucle has racial overtones.Still,these days,any of us could find ourselves in a similar situation.
JS- I'm a racist. I think the human race contains a great many congenitally stupid, temperamentally brutal and sadistically cruel individuals. At times this group might be referred to as a "majority".
Still, some of my best friends are humans.
Sling- I'd wager that you are right on both prognostications.
"racial overtones"...let me add 'understatement' to your list of skills!
the world needs more mixed race homosexual cops to get married. maybe they'd quit beating people up if they weren't so sexually repressed.
Maybe will get there one day before we kill each other off.
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