At the time of publication, I didn't know that I was on the front of Sunday's Metro section. If my buddy Mike hadn't saved it for me, I never would have known. Thanks Mike!

At the time of this photograph, I had a job as a legal documents clerk at an extremely conservative Republican-run law firm. It was a pretty easy job and I was good at it; even though it bored and depressed me, it paid the rent and I sorely miss that paycheck, if nothing else.
On July 26th, a mere 4 days after this was printed, a manager from company HQ came to my old office and told me that they "needed to put a new face on the operation" and that "perception is reality", hence my services would no longer be needed. When pressured, he was unable to give a single, specific cause for my termination, just a lot of weasel-speak about team-building and company growth- Virginia is an "at-will" labor State, an employer can fire you whenever they want- no reason needs to be given.
I can't help but wonder if one of the partners didn't see my face in the paper and place a call to company HQ , requesting a replacement.
No reason was provided to me when I was fired.... I'm still perplexed as to what happened- I have since seen my job posted twice, the hourly wage listed on the latest ad is $10, which is significantly less than I made, and they have added drug/background screening to their criteria, something I was never confronted with. Puzzling.
Since my firing, I've had a terrible time of finding employment. My resume puts emphasis on my work as a volunteer at the radio station; a station that some here would politely describe as "leftist".
I wonder if that is hurting me rather than helping me to find work...I reply to over 20 job adverts a week and get nothing. Nothing at all.
The temporary agencies that used to be very reliable also have nothing- and it's been that way for weeks. I have been to one agency's office three times in the last 30 days because they keep 'losing my paperwork' , which makes me 'inactive'. I am not sure if this is due to bumbling or if it's because I'm blacklisted, but in either case it means no work.
Well, I did get one call. I have an interview next week, 10/23 at 1300 hours- I was given a choice of days and times so I picked the one that contained as many personal 'lucky numbers' as possible, 13, 15 and 23 being my faves...the date 10/23 = 10 +2+3 = 15!
In other words, I'm applying the same illogic that people use when buying lottery tickets to my job search. If that seems like a sign of desperation, it should.
Not that I'm superstitious, *knocks wood* , but I feel jinxed.
Wouldja mind keepin' your fingers crossed for me?
fingers and toes crossed dude!
and it would not at all suprise me if those jerks didn't like seeing you in the paper...
ugh, thats so annoying!
I feel your jinx, allan!
It's almost as if there's some sort of "do not hire" database and our names are on it.
Could it be it was because we mouthed off to our (very deserving) managers just prior to be frog-marched out the back door?
A possibly apocryphal story from the McCarthy era:
Movie Studio Chief: (Addressing screenwriter) I'm firing you because you're a Communist!
Screenwriter: But... but, J.L.! I'm an Anti-Communist!
M.S.C.: I don't care what kind of a Communist you are, you're fired! Now, get out!
i am about ready to start singing on the streets, except i cant sing. I totally understand.
done .. break a leg.
have you thought about moving and changing your name?
i'm not being facetious.
I'll burn my "MONEY" candle in your name as soon as I get home!
One of my husband's co-workers was just laid off from the company. He'd known he wasn't a great fit for his department, so he interviewed at 3 other departments within the company, all of which rejected him. On Monday, my husband met with a recruiter who had interviewed his friend the week before, and she revealed that she found his friend to be extremely off-putting in the interview. So now my husband is debating, does he tell his friend or not?
Which is a long way of saying . . . is there any chance you interview badly? Could you get someone you don't know (a friend of a friend) to interview you and give you feedback? Also, this recruiter person told my husband that people in our city check Link*ed*In before they check anywhere else when looking for potential employees.
Break a leg! I'm rooting for you!
Thanks. How's Greebo?
Dude. We should do a radio talk show along the lines of "Car Talk"- we could call it "Job Walk". Here's hopin' at ya!
CM- There's a thin line between 'busking' and 'drunk-in-public'!
AC- I almost did!
Rube- Yes. I'd need some help with that,updating Abbie Hoffman advice to meet our new, hi-tech police state etc, but yes, I have. But I have my Granma...I can't ditch her.
Beth- And I shall make a sacrifice to the Road Goddess in yours.
Meira- That's a good question, but I interview surprisingly well- if I can get to the interview stage, I usually get the job. I think the problem is w/ my resume and background check- I have had some problems with the law and it's a lot easier to find that info than it used to be.
"Link*ed*In"? I pasted that into google, but didn't find much.
still limping a tad... but eating and jumping and seems okay so far...
thanx for asking allan!
i'll send you the linkedin address...
well, hell..that stinks...texas is the same way...if they don't like your hair color they can fire you...bastids..good luck sweety...
Consider them crossed!
crossed and loaded
Oh -- try removing the stars . . . lol
If they require an invite, send me the appropriate email and I'll see if Spouse can send you one.
People are bastards, and right-wingers definitely cross the line when it comes to expecting everyone who works for them to be toadying kool-aid drinkers of the neo-con agenda.
There was a woman in CA who filed suit after her boss came out to her car in the parking lot and began screaming at her about her Air America bumper sticker, then fired her on the spot for it. The employee won.
:*( sorry about the job search going so poorly.
crossing my fingers and everything else that can be crossed
Don't forget the luck rabbit's foot, or the horseshoe. I'd send you mine, but I'm going to need them.
Good luck Allan!..Although,I don't think you'll need it,what with that whole Kaballic number mojo workin' for ya.
Those are great numbers so I'm sure you've got it in the bag, but I'm crossing my fingers for you anyway. Good luck, my friend!
Do like the sports players do, and wear your lucky underwear. Fingers crossed...
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