Tomorrow morning will be the first anniversary of my weekly radio program, The New Breakfast Snob, which began as a 'one-time' only affair and soon turned into a sadomusical morning tradition- every Sunday I am awake at 6 am and on-air at 7 am, performing a two-hour tribute to my record collection- for a year I have been doing this...nuts, is what.
Today was a glorious fall day, perfect leaf-kicking stroll-taking weather...I had planned to spend the day brooding and mulling, but circumstance intervened and I found myself down at the station, substituting for another DJ- his show is mostly new music, something I don't know much about...I was literally pulling stuff off the shelves and googling info on the fly between songs...it was a lot of fun, I was tired and not feeling well, but I got some calls and messages that cheered me up:
#1: My date from the previous week called. We had been friends before I asked her out- on our date, I learned somethings I didn't know- it's no one's fault, but it's unlikely that we'll ever date...but it's very likely that we will remain friends, and that's more important in the long run, I think...not much time to talk, I'm on the air, but I'm really glad she called.
#2: A long-time friend calls to tell me that she's listening to the show, which reminds me...we've been friends for twenty years- it might be my imagination, but I have felt a shift in the way she treats me now...if I'm wrong, it won't be a big deal...the funny thing is, caller #1 is convinced that I am sleeping/have slept with caller #2. I haven't.
I get a strong impression that #1 and #2 have met , do not like each other and that I have something to do with it.
I'm such a loser that I can get two women to fight over me without actually getting laid by either one. I'm not especially happy with this unusual ability, but it's always nice getting calls from my pal; reminds me that there is an audience, ya know?
She also reminds me that I had a training session later that day...I had totally forgotten, but my friend brought it up..."it's you and two women today, eh?", she said...damn, how could I forget that?
The two women I was 'training' pretty much had it together; today they did a two hour program showcasing local female musicians and singers from the past 50 years- I was duly impressed with the foresight and research that went into it; everyone is a bit nervous on the mic, but they warmed up real good, yup- I wuz proud o' them gals. Seriously.
I'm responsible for what goes on during that show, and it's great seeing people show up prepared and excited. The enthusiasm translates well to radio.
They called it the "Yes , Ma'am" Show, heh, good banter...I asked them if they'd consider filling in for me tomorrow, as I'd like to sleep in- "No Sir!", they replied. Oh well.
I'm still sore over the way my little station was called "nonsense" at my Big TV interview...having a good time felt like revenge for those petty insults. It didn't look like anyone at Big TV were having fun. We don't get paid, but we don't need 'thick skins' either. (Usually)
Anyway, here's most of what I played. I missed few songs when the blog ate my post:
They Might Be Giants- With the Dark
Always good. Back after 10-15 years off, I think.
Kola Koca Death Squad-Power Stroke
Reviewer remark on CD: "I love the cowbell on #7!" Hell, yeah! Me too!
A DJ call: "I love that cowbell!" Yeah, me too...
Gay Dad- Joy!
For Joy. I don't know if her dad is gay...I doubt it.
Marionette- Your World
Fave local pals.
Frank Smith- Throwin' Rocks
A band, not a person. Rootsy. Good.
Stars- The Night Starts Here
Fuck. Four minutes of my life I wish I could have back.
Triffids- Suntrapper
From 1986, this CD re-release was first recorded in a sheep shearing shed 600km SE of Nowhere, Australia. I like this band, gotta get more.
Nouvelle Vague- Bela Lugosi's Dead
I like this band, but this version of the old Bauhaus classic just sorta bored me...
MGMT- Weekend Wars
I can't remember anything about this . I was explaining my vinyl fetish to a young woman, wasn't paying attention to the music.
Lovedrug- Doomsday & the Echo
By 'vinyl fetish' , I meant LP record albums - it's funny how often that gets mixed up with something else. That confusion could get interesting. Sadly, this music will not.
The Capes-Supergirls
Yep. Good powerpop. On the floor is OK.
Devandra Banhart- Samba Vex
This is bizarre. Further investigation required. The music, I mean.
Tullycraft- The Punks Are Writing Lovesongs
Silly String on rubber sheets.It sounds just like that.
New Pornographers- My rights v. Yours
Damn...this is crafty material. Slick and tight production, Beach Boys influences...interesting.
New Young Pony Club-Hiding in the Staircase
Arctic Monkeys- Brainstorm
I got this from a blogpal (Hi!) in the States. Love ya!
Empire Dogs- Whole Lotta Love
Back to Sweden, with love. More blogpallery!
The Blakes- Village Green
John Lennon.
Black Before Red- Underneath Gold
From Austin, TX. Catchy pop. Liked it.
The Lonely H- Meal
Hanson, but with more H. Avoid.
Alina Simone- Saw Edged Grass
Great voice, Michigan origin, I think. Add to "dig deeper" list.
Minus the Bear-Knights
It was OK.
Dragons of Zynth-Breaker
This sounds like something you'd have to be stoned to enjoy properly. Often, I find that I wind up really digging music that I initially don't 'get'...this might be that sort of thing. On the other hand it might just suck. Dig deeper.
Spoon- #5?
Finally, Spoon that I don't much like. It's still Spoon, but it's different somehow...the charm is weak on this one. Still, bad Spoon is better than most bands.
Tomorrow: More of Not the Same.
Special thanks to all the kindness and support I have been offered lately , but I think I'll be OK for now... I am deeply moved by the camaraderie I enjoy in the real and virtual world-it's the other 99.9% of the world that pisses me off.
cool list allan, though there are more than a few in there you wonder about- how'd they end up on your playlist if you don't like them?
Just pulled 'em off of the 'rock' shelves...something I may repeat in twenty minutes...
I'm glad the day went well, even though you were tired.
Yay Arctic Monkeys!
im just going to stop by and smile, if that is okay
come to texas sweety..I can get you laid here...rednecks aren't that picky...great music
I love the cowbell, too. ;-)
I don’t care much for The Lonely H or Stars but I love the new Tullycraft!
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