Monday, October 06, 2008


I am not feeling very well.


schlep said...

I will bring you a Cardiacs CD - I know of nothing better to cure ailments physical spiritual or otherwise.

AC'63 said...

hope you feel better soon .. I just got over bronchitis a few weeks ago.

Sling said...

Feel better!...dammit.

yellowdoggranny said...

you must have got it from me over the phone...sorry...
if it's like's been 17 days and i'm still coughing..

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry - get some rest and feel better soon.

AngelConradie said...

aw poor allan! get yourself to a clininc quicklike dude!

billy pilgrim said...

reality can make anyone feel like shit.

the blogger formerly known as yinyang said...

Oh, no! :( Get well soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello from your favorite Swede! :) Hope you're doing better soon. Miss our blog times, see you're still going strong!

Allan said...

All- Thanks for the well wishes. Slightly better today and am trying to get through a whole day of work. No more bleediness, that's a good sign.

S- Thanks man, much appreciated!
Cool liner notes and all!

Angel- This is America. Poor people can't see doctors here. I'll get better using willpower and witchcraft.

BP- Not half as bad as fantasy can make you feel.

Em! I was just thinking of you! Hunt me down, I miss you too!

Romeo Morningwood said...

Watch some Monty Python..

Craig D said...


Funny... our branch manager has been out, sick, all week. Is he truly "sick?"

Best wishes, pal.

Enemy of the Republic said...

It's going around--our immunities have been depleted since Wall Street robbed the cookie jar.

Feel better, my friend.

Lyzard said...

Get better - no more bleediness allowed!

Marisa said...

Me neither.

Allan said...

It's only a flesh wound.

Allan said...

Or a sinus infection. I get the two mixed up. Thanks for the wishes!