I got home late last night after doing a radio show and had a pair of happy surprises awaiting me- first, I found a package of CDs that Whim had made especially for me- which made me giddy in itself- next, I checked my answering machine, which has been silent since the election ended, and found two messages from the Gubbermint, asking me to call them...being the loyal citizen that I am, I returned the call this morning.
It was a phone interview for a job- my old job that I lost in 2000- naturally I aced the interview, having done the job before- I start training next week and was told that I would probably be employed through September of 2010. This changes a lot of things, and it all looks like upside to me:
- I'll be starting near the bottom of the office hierarchy, just as I did in 1999. By the time we got canned at the end of 2000, I was the office's night supervisor, so I'm hoping for a similar fast-track promotion. My new boss told me that she was very excited to have someone with my experience on her team and I couldn't help but share that feeling.
-Even at the bottom, I'll be making $7,000 more per year than I am now. I cannot overstate how much this means - I can live like a human being again! One of the first things I will buy will be a bed and a futon or sofa; feline illness and general attrition have left me with almost no furniture- the few visitors I do have usually ask me if I'm moving because it doesn't look like anyone lives in my apartment. Sheesh. I need to fix that.
-My new job will mean something. We'll be opening the local [Censored] office in two weeks, and I'll be there from Day One, helping to establish workflow and procedure for the office...I'll be busy and I'll be needed. As a temp, I've been totally expendable...when I told my current boss of my news, he congratulated me and told me my timing was good, because the Company has been looking to eliminate my job. Most days, I do nothing here all day except blog and listen to music and that might sound like a good job, but trust me, it's not. The days get very long, I get very lonely and I rarely get to be useful. Plus, the pay here sucks.
- In 2000, the operations reports that I filed were collected, added to those from offices in the other 49 states (and territories) and delivered to the desk of President Clinton, who sent all of the [Censored] managers a very nice , albeit form, letter of appreciation- the 2000 [Censored] was the most accurate and efficient one ever and I was proud of my service. This year, I am honored to be working for President Obama and I truly hope that I earn a letter from him.
When I called TempCo to let them know I was leaving, they were not quite as excited as I was...Madame TempCo reminded me of the time, money and energy that TempCo expends in finding placement for their staffers- while I was getting lectured on loyalty,I had a dreadfully vivid flashback of my harrowing experience working at NASCAR and of the months that went by without any work at all- Madame T's words rolled off my guilt-free back. Still, there's no reason to burn any bridges, so I did agree to work Monday and Tuesday next week, but that's it.
(Update: When I got home, there was a pleasant and sincere-sounding "thank you" from Madame T on my voice mail. Now I feel rotten about the bitter tone of the preceding paragraph.)
Wednesday will be a day of rest and self-indulgent celebration. On Thursday I begin training, on Saturday there will be music and dancing, dancing to a new and different beat.
An upbeat.
Happy Joy Joy Happy Joy Joy .. this is fantastic new .. congrats ..
Hooba Schlaka! (This means Yeah!!)
i knew lighting all them fucking candles would pay off...thank you Goddess...that's the best fucking news ever...im so happy for you allan i am speechless...haha.yeah, like that will ever happen...
just so excited and happy for you my friend...faaaar fucking out
AC- Thanks, thanks, joy, joy...
B- Ring me. Let's go out and celebrate!
JS-Thank you for sticking with the goddess vibes for me and for being my friend in the hard times...speechless? Hhahahaahahaha!
HELL YES!!..That's right up there in the top TWO things I've heard this week!
oooh a big congrats on your new job! in this economy...a good job is very important. i am happy for you.
Woohoo!!! :D A job that lasts for most of the next year, which pays you decent - rather than sub-human - wages, and which you look forward to and are good at. Now that's change I can believe in! :P
YAY YAY YAY!!! I just found out I got the job I interviewed for yesterday!
Working for President Obama... I hadn't looked at it that way. It certainly makes federal jobs more appealing.
it's a good thing you got that job, as i was fixing to get in the ole white mazda and go to virginia anad haul your ass down her to live with me...ha..will be listening today for a while..have to make some pecan pies for the thanksgiving party the apts are having..
S- Thanks! My luck has been good since Election Day...I hope it's a sign.
MM- Thank you! I thought they stopped making jobs, but I guess I was wrong...whew!
YY- Three days after the election and I'm already feeling the love!
RP- Yay! Things are looking up!
Lyz- I liked the Gubbermint a lot more than Corporate, but I don't think I could taken the job if BushCo or McPalin had been in charge. Not that they'd hire me...
Please acceptmy heartiest congratulations. Imagine! You can upgrade to the store brand of ramen noodles instea of the generic. And furniture? LIVIN' THA DREAM, DAWG!
Woot woot! That is fantastic news! I'm trying to catch up on blogs and this was wonderful to read. I could not be happier for you! Yay!
I'm so happy for you. You, *SO* deserve it! I know you will be great in your *New Job*!
Mary Beth
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