Friday, October 22, 2004

Got to Admit...Nothing,Ever (W/Update and links!)

The Dow Jones, as of this writing, is at a 52-week low. The national debt has never been higher. The government has grown so large it’s started spilling over into other countries. We might as well start printing travel visas on our currency, ‘cause it’s going overseas for an extended vacation; if it ever comes back is anyone’s guess. America has zero, no, make that less than zero international credibility since each and every one of our ever-changing reasons to invade and occupy Iraq has been debunked. Iraq is a bloody mess, getting bloodier and messier every day. It’s new puppet/dictator is a former assassin for both Saddam Hussein AND the C.I.A.

Jobs are not being created fast enough to accommodate the number of people newly entering the workforce, and a lot of the new jobs , flatly, suck. Former managerial-types (like me) languish in office-temp positions, losing all benefits. I recently saw one of my former staffers; who is older than myself and has a degree; wearing a safety vest and rounding up shopping carts at the local market. A younger, but also educated ex co-worker served me coffee at a Barstucks.

-Is this the “strong” economy Bush stumps about?
-Is this “freedom on the march”? Is this “spreading liberty”?

I didn’t know ‘liberty’ was another word for 'depleted uranium shell casings'.

-Are these the “Jobs of the 21st Century” that Dubya was crowing about?

There is a positive side:education. We can save a lot of money on education and still prepare workers for the “jobs of the 21st Century”- how much time or money can it take to teach someone how to operate a cash-register or a deep-fryer?

Give Bush a report, the latest in a series, that concludes Iraq had no WMD and was hardly in a position to produce any. It does say Saddam would liked to have had some. Duh.
Shrubby waves this report around and says,” See! I toldya we hadda spread liberty on Iraq! Saddam had Very Bad Thoughts!” (Cheers, applause)

Another report shows job growth to be quite a bit less than predicted and the Resident seizes it, screaming,” We’re creating jobs! The economy has never been better! Tax Cuts!” (Cheers, applause )

Oh. I forgot. In Afghanistan, a 19-year old girl just cast her first vote.

I wonder if her name was Jessica Lynch?

Meanwhile, Kerry, who you may have heard , served in the ‘Nam, is attacked for being weak on security. He’s never done anything during his 20 years in Congress.
Please. Give me a break and do yourself a favor:
Google : BCCI Kerry Report
Google: Iran-Contra Kerry Report

Find the Congressional Records.

Oh, nevermind. Here's a great column that sums it up.

Here's the long version.

Some other things to consider:
-Why isn't the Kerry campaign bringing this up?
A campaign statement such as ,"Let me remind you- there is a precedent for this president- the Reagan administration was full of crooks and if it wasn't for this president's father, they'd all have gone to prison. As Senator, I made the case against this gang of thieves and murderers, but I did not have the power to over-ride a Presidential pardon. As president, I promise you that the current crop of recycled war-profiteers, Revelationist nut-jobs and blatant liars will not be pardoned."

While refreshing in it's honesty, such a statement would be political suicide.
Impugn the sacred memory of the late ex-President Reagan ? Heresy!

Iran-Contra Bush Pardons

That’s why the Repugs hate Kerry.
That’s why the GOP is scared shitless of losing this election.
Who’s gonna pardon the crooks this time?

Correction: The Dow did not hit a 52-week low today as I wrote above-merely the 2004 low. My bad.


Susannity said...

I think what pains me most about the jobs and certain other issues is that those that are so directly affected by it are still voting for Bush. I recently watched an episode of Bill Moyer's NOW where it had a single mother raising 2 kids in Nevada who was working for minimum wage. She was struggling and didn't like it, but she wasn't sure who she was going to vote for. Ack! I say. I think this ties into why the Dems don't talk about some of the real issues of corruption etc in the Bush family and administration. I think some things take time to explain and no one wants to listen long enough to learn anything. Ignorance is not bliss.

Herself said...

hey keep it down over there.