Sunday, August 07, 2005

Happy Gathering

Today we had a staff meeting at the station . I love our meetings-I got to meet a lot of new volunteers and say farewell to a couple-old timers who are moving on . Best wishes to them-I'm sure they'll do well. Our Music Director, the tinydj, directed the meeting and did her usual great job. She pointed out what an amazingly talented and dedicated group of people make the station run. She's quite correct.
It gave my Inner Socialist a warm fuzzy.
Everyone has a specialty; news, music DJ (of all genres), talk-show host, office clerk, engineering, etc., but we all pitch in on phone duty, dishes, cleaning and stuff as well.
I even got a special award for being such a great soundguy and Senior member. (Has it been that long?) I was given a Chinese silk bag containing energy drinks and power bars. That's a pretty damn funny 'inside joke' to anyone who's seen me work/eat in the studio. Last Saturday I had my pie-hole full of mouth-drying energy bar when DJ Scott turned the mic on me and asked me what I thought about the ambient song he had just played.

" It reminds me of watching fish sleep until they get so mellow that they float to the top", was my reply.

On the air it sounded like ," Mmrmmdsmuwchfs...". Ha ha.
Scott, I will get you for that. Watch yer back.

Learned something new today. We are getting a big-ass grant from the City of Richmond. I knew that already, but what I didn't know why. Here's why:
In 2003/2004 Richmond suffered two devasting storms. Hundreds of thousands of people had no power and water for days, even weeks. Roads were washed out everywhere.
So FEMA calls all the local radio stations so they can announce where fresh water, food and shelter were available. The only problem? Almost every local station is pre- programmed from some heartless corporate HQ and woefully unprepared to cover a live, local disaster.
Our grant includes money for back-up generators and low-power FEMA emergency broadcast access.

Anyway, I met a couple potential new volunteers for my Dept, had good food , cheap champagne and fun talkings and listenings. Nice.
Oh yeah, got my second budget proposal approved. Tomorrow: Internet shopping!

1 comment:

Herself said...

and shopping is your job now? oh must be so terrible :P