Monday, August 29, 2005

The Katrina Conspiracy

First let's revisit the issue of chemtrails . Obviously, the guys over at that web-site are crazy, so I summarized it for you here. At the time of that writing I wasn't sure exactly how chemtrails were being used.

But now it's obvious. Our government has been using 'Weather of Mass Destruction ' as a weapon in it's ongoing war against everything. Like many other over-budgeted weapons systems , this one still has a few bugs to work out.

For over a decade , the frequency and severity of hurricanes has been increasing. This is part of the chemtrail strategy. I suspect some of the recent, ultra-powerful storms were artificially augmented by chemicals dumped from unmarked DoD jets.
Notice that these storms often hit Cuba and Haiti. Accident of geography or sinister plot? Hmm...
But don't they also hit Florida?
Sure they do. This gives GW Bush a prime opportunity to send his little brother Jeb huge amounts of money on a regular basis.

Perhaps Katrina was intended for Venezuela and our Hurricane Artillery Division just has profoundly bad aim.

Perhaps their aim is true.

Let's say that a hurricane destroyed/disabled a large portion of our nation's oil refining capacity.
It could happen.
In a just world, the Oil Barons would use some of their tax-payer subsidized record oil profits to build cleaner , more efficient plants. (and maybe toss a few sheckles toward oil alternatives).
It's pretty clear that we don't inhabit a just world, so let's forget about this scenario.
It couldn't happen.

Try this one instead:

- It wouldn't hurt the Barons to divert media attention from the fact they are ruining America. Oh, and that Iraq mess? Sweep it under.

- Enter Katrina. Wham! 24/7 hurricane coverage.

- Destruction of Production creates massive jumps in gas prices, causing the Mother of all Energy Crisises. Uh, oh! We gotta get some oil.

-BushCorp spinners start to conflate Katrina with Iran's "looming nuclear menace".

-Bush uses the above relationship as a pretext for invading Venezuela.

This goes on and on until every human being is either dead, conscripted, incarcerated or In Charge of the World.

See- it all adds up. Pat Robertson wasn't spitting bilious blasphemy when he called for Chavez's assassination- he was spewing putrid prophecy instead.

Maybe this sounds crazy to you, but most folks said I was crazy when I said invading Iraq would be a very bad idea, but was inevitable nonetheless.
It's a Pyhrric 'Toldcha So".

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