Saturday, August 27, 2005

Quiz Re-Viz

1.)If you knew in five years you would win an award, what would you most want that award to be? why?

I want cake and ice cream. Because it's yummy.

2.) Describe your family (in whatever sense you choose)using only cartoon characters to convey their general personalities.
Later for this question. Too many problems right now.

3.) What three things are you most paranoid about and why?
I'm not paranoid about anything. All of my fears are fully realized.
If you insist:
a) Executive
b) Legislative
c) Judicial

4.) If you knew that all the claims of Christianity were true, beyond a shadow of a would your life be/not be different?

I'd be confused. Christianity is rife with hypocrisy and contradictions -which claims am I supposed to listen to? Pat Robertson? Mother Theresa? Torquemada? Cotton Mather? The loudest "christians" are so full of hatred, violence and sin that Jesus would weep barbed wire were He to see what is being said and done in His name.
That doesn't spell Christ.

I do not not need an Invisible Cloud Being to tell me what is wrong and what is right.
I and I will not change my life ,beliefs and behavior because of some nebulous set of rules imposed by anyone or anything , Supreme Being or not.

5.) You suddenly own your own radio station, what programming do you choose and why? Is there anything you would absolutely not allow?

In a very real sense, I do co-own my own radio station. It's .
Each DJ and host is responsible for the content of their own show.
I would not allow on-air radio nudity. Kids could be listening...


Nicole said...

Thanks for playing! :) Oh, if there's family problems, then there's no better analogy than "Family Guy"...

Lyzard said...

Ooh - my turn AGAIN! (I know you didn't encourage us to answer these, but I am anyway. Please forgive me.)

1.)If you knew in five years you would win an award, what would you most want that award to be? why?
The "Great Big Sister Award" because it will mean that I'm maintaining awesome relationships with my siblings... and I love them - LOTS!

2.) Describe your family (in whatever sense you choose) using only cartoon characters to convey their general personalities.
Mix Pinky and the Brain with Itchy and Scratchy. Add a dash of Invader Zim. Multiply by ten.

3.) What three things are you most paranoid about and why?
I'm paranoid that I'll be crazy in a bad way one day. I'm paranoid that my ass will never stop expanding. I'm paranoid that one day I'll forget how lucky I am and take my loved ones for granted.

4.) If you knew that all the claims of Christianity were true, beyond a shadow of a would your life be/not be different?
I would laugh until I stopped breathing. Die. Seek out God in the afterlife. Find God. Say to God, "You belong in Hell." Slap God.

5.) You suddenly own your own radio station, what programming do you choose and why? Is there anything you would absolutely not allow?
I would call Allan and ask him if he's interested in a job. I would not allow Rush Limbaugh.

Allan said...

N-I would've welcomed the calmness and stability of the Family Guy.

L- Yes. I would like that job!

Susannity said...

1.)If you knew in five years you would win an award, what would you most want that award to be? why?
some kind of humanitarian award.

2.) Describe your family (in whatever sense you choose) using only cartoon characters to convey their general personalities.
yikes, i have two kids but I don't watch many cartoons. I remember the old time ones, but trying to match them to my family's personality... i'm not creative enough I think.

3.) What three things are you most paranoid about and why?
Some folks have told me I'm paranoid about our government and the wealthy elite in this country, but I don't think I am. Paranoia implies a mental illness of delusion and persecution. I would say those that think it's pretty much on the up and up are delusional. =) The only thing I can think of that I'm paranoid of is spiders and bees. I'm allergic to bees and I'm telling you, they chase me. =)

4.) If you knew that all the claims of Christianity were true, beyond a shadow of a would your life be/not be different?
I'm an atheist, but if it was somehow proven there was a god and it was the christian variety, i would change my life in that I would really really make sure I was following the bible. I already live my life with integrity and ethics, but there are places where I differ from the bible's teachings. If it is real, I would follow it pretty hard, because anyone who has read the bible should have picked up on the fact that the christian god is not really very forgiving or a nice guy. don't confuse the father with the son hehe. Anyway, I believe that if there is a christian god and i've been wrong all these years, there's a whole lot of christians going to be surprised as hell and cooking down south with me.
You can always tell this kind of question is written by a christian. they want to know if the non-believer is willing to change or not. Of course, any reasonably intelligent open-minded person should be if new provable information is presented. That's why us atheists look at christians as close-minded. Information is all around them, yet they choose to blindfold themselves and call it faith, when it's really nothing more than the equivalent of someone saying the sun revolves around the earth because i have faith it does.

5.) You suddenly own your own radio station, what programming do you choose and why? Is there anything you would absolutely not allow?
There is a station up here called c89.5 that is run by high school students. They mostly play stuff you would hear in the clubs up here, have the kids do a 60-second news brief, etc. No real commercials, just music. I love this station. I don't club like I used to, but it's great to have the opportunity to hear all of that. I have never heard another station like it. Anyway, I would like to set up a similar thing. Have some HS students run it so they can have that responsibility and opportunity. They do an ok job of informing youngsters, but I would add a bit more, and maybe even an hour of talk/phone-in on issues. The only thing I would not allow is christian radio, unless it was the topic of discussion one day. they already get enough play.