Thursday, August 25, 2005

Testing 1,2,3

After all the trouble I went through to track down the questions presented in my previous rant, something evil removes the comment section from that post. So I post this and it's biz-as-use. Please comment here. I've always liked book talkingness and discussifullication debate...


Susannity said...

Well I guess I shall kick this off..
How Many Books I Have Owned - I have not/do not own many books considering how much I read. I used to buy books when I was younger, but I can read a book in a day sometimes so the costs could get outrageous. Most of the books I own now are college texts, and I donated most of my fiction to the library. My library card is one of my good friends. =)
Last Book Bought - a most unfortunate waste of 11.95. It was Tangerine Dream because one of the ladies in my bookclub recommended it and it's not at the library. We ended up not reading it for the club because it was SO bad. The recommender had not read it first. I threw it away - hideous.
Last Book Completed - The Queen's Fool by Phillipa Gregory. It's book 2 of historical fiction based in the time of Henry VIII (book 1) and Queen Mary(book 2). There is one more that focuses on Queen Elizabeth. Really have enjoyed them so far and learned a thing or two as well.
5 Books That Mean A Lot to Me - This is pretty much impossible for me. I have read SO many books, and I have found many a gem that means a lot to me in different aspects of my life. Darwin's Origin of the Species of course because it opened doors in science as well as for people who did not believe in "god" or the bible. So it all depends on the context. Other books I have enjoyed greatly that pop up to mind at this moment are Fast Food Nation (Schlosser), Cane River (Tademy), Tao Te Ching (numerous), The Devil's Chaplain (Dawkins) and Ender's Game (Card).
Book I am Currently Reading - State of Fear by Michael Crichton - just picked it up yesterday but haven't had the chance to crack it yet.

Nicole said...

Actually, see, your questions were in the comments section on the original blog post on my site and they were here:

But I like the book interview too. If you like these questions, you can answer them too! Sorry about the confusion, bro.

Hey are my hokey questions. Forgive me if they seem trite. I'm new at this...well, online anyway.

1.)If you knew in five years you would win an award, what would you most want that award to be? why?

2.) Describe your family (in whatever sense you choose)using only cartoon characters to convey their general personalities.

3.) What three things are you most paranoid about and why?

4.) If you knew that all the claims of Christianity were true, beyond a shadow of a would your life be/not be different?

5.) You suddenly own your own radio station, what programming do you choose and why? Is there anything you would absolutely not allow?

Lyzard said...

I was so disappointed when I couldn't answer these questions earlier. So, it MY TURN!

1. Number of books you have owned: Absolutely no way to count. I owned (in hardback) and had read the ENTIRE original Nancy Drew series by the time I was in second grade. My dad used to take us to library book sales where we could fill a shopping bag with book and it was two dollars. When I left Utah, I allowed myself one small box of books. The rest were distributed for safekeeping, by subject, to four or five different friends.

2. Last book I bought: SQUEE! by Jhonen Vasquez. And I am giddy about it too!

3. Last book I completed: Mysterious Places - a sourcebook for new World of Darkness storytellers. I'm a big geek.

4. Five books that mean a lot to me:
** To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee) - My dad made sure we read this before we had to for school. I mailed a copy to my son. When I realized that Craig reminds me of Atticus, I knew I had to keep him.
** Ethics for a New Millenium (His Holiness the Dalai Lama) - This one helped me learn to reconcile my inner idealist with my inner pessimist. I improve my life and the lives of others after I read this book, every time.
** Siddhartha (Herman Hesse) - I have owned this book at least five times, and still don't have a copy. Each time I buy it, I meet someone that needs to read it. So I write a short note in the front and give it away. Once, I met someone who had been given a copy I gave to someone else. She brought showed me the inside cover. It was filled with short notes from people who had passed it on. I cried.
** Written on the Body (Jeannette Winterson) - The language in this book is entrancing. There is something very significant to me about a love story where the gender of the narrator is not revealed and really not relevant. It is also the first book I read to Craig in bed.
** Foucault's Pendulum (Umerto Eco) - This is helpful in recognizing kindred spirits. Those who have read and enjoyed this book are ALWAYS good company.

4b. What are you currently reading? The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor. From wikipedia: Flannery described herself as a "pigeon-toed only child with a receding chin and a you-leave-me-alone-or-I'll-bite-you complex." I love her.

5. Which 5 bloggers are you passing this onto? I'm not. :P