Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I Wonder About Stuff , Ask Questions

I can ask questions faster than I can type, so I'll never catch up with myself, much less the external world. So I won't even try.
However, some things have been nagging at me for awhile. In no particular order:

1) Did I recently kill somone or was it assisted suicide? An accident?
Some background: My car is a beater. The wheels tend to fall off at the worst possible times ( Midnight on Christmas Night in the middle of nowhere-true story!) I carry extra oil, brake fluid, duct tape, sledgehammers , blankets, knives, matches, lots of books, road flares, emergency food and water and coolant with me at all times.
The coolant is a 60/40 coolant/H2O mix that I keep in an old 64 oz. Gatorade jug. It's almost exactly the same color as lemon-lime Gatorade.
I almost never lock my car. Years ago, I locked my keys in my car at a friend's wedding. Another guest, who was fresh out of prison, showed me how to break into my car using no tools and breaking no windows. Takes 30 seconds.
So anyway, a few weeks ago, I went to the sub shop at lunch and parked next to a couple vanloads of day laborers. Went inside, got my sub, went back to work. Ate.
Leaving work that evening, I decided to pour some coolant into my radiator before I headed home.
Except the Gatorade jug is gone. It's nowhere to be found. I saw it that morning.
Did someone steal it, thinking it was a soft drink, and accidently drink warm anti-freeze instead of sports drink?
I'd be lying if part of me doesn't say, "I fucking hope so".
I'm glad my Inner Sociopath hasn't entirely vanished.

2) Do I want to know about this shit?
Some people I volunteer with seem to have polarized into two camps while I was in the hospital. There was an Incident. I do not know any details, but I keep hearing second-hand BS and it's really hampering communication and organization efforts. For example, we had an ill-planned Katrina benefit Friday- I got a last minute call to do sound. When I think of doing live sound it should either be:
a) PA system already in place, ready to set up mics , sound check and go on.
b) Get in very early, set up PA , see a) above.

This was C) , for Confusion. There's a couple guys I don't know setting up a PA with cables that looked like squirrels have been chewing on them. Suddenly it starts feeding back- EEEEEEEE...piercing shriek... AAAAAHHHH...!!! Everything's plugged into the wrong place-it's amazing that the speakers just didn't explode. I turn one knob, press one button and re-route one cable. I'm post-hospital tired and am not ready to deal with this. I leave this mess in the hands of the PA guys who brought it. I go downstairs and shoot a couple games of pool with some friends. I don't see many people from the station and the few that I do see seem confused and disorganized. Loud clubs are boring if you aren't drunk. I leave before midnight.
Back to the schism gossip problem. It seems that some people thought that the whole benefit concert was to be managed by myself, since it involved live music. Because Person A isn't talking to Person B, the planners did not know I was in Intensive Care and not really capable of planning any events more complex than avoiding another bedpan mishap.
Today I went in to record some interviews. Person A asked me how much money we raised.
I have no idea-I had nothing to do with any of it.
Have I talked to Person B about Project X?
Yes , I have. Everything they said contradicts what you just told me. Besides, it's over now anyway.
No, I don't want to hear about it. Leave me out of your squabbles and don't assign projects to me without informing me about it.
No one knows which side I'm taking. This is good, because I'm like fucking Switzerland when it comes to stupid work arguements.
(Aside: What if the Swiss have Nukes? Maybe they should.)

The spat has been tainting my email inbox. As in , "FWD: Stupid Shit". Can I believe the email that person A sent to B or vice/versa?

I dunno. I delete all that shit without reading it. That's why I gave a blank stare when asked for comment.

I don't know what you are fighting about, but it's a safe bet that you are both wrong.


Susannity said...

omg lol! Well there is some smell to coolant so maybe when they were getting ready to put it to their lips...

Your haven at the radio station has been corrupted! That sucks. Did you guys ever figure out who stole all the equipment?

Herself said...

one time i was at an AA meeting and this lady said she would hide her vodka in windshield wiper fluid bottles with a drop or two of blue food coloring. i always think of that lady when i fill up with wiper fluid.