Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Amazing but True

Did you know that 34% of Americans are either incredibly stupid or in a deep state of denial?
I can't say I blame the ones in denial. As an American, it's pains my heart to see what we have become.

It would be impossible to list everything Bush and his cronies have done to increase corporate power at the expense of the "sacrificial class" - let's just look at minimum wage and illegal immigrants for a start. A standard GOP line is that we need Mexicans to do the jobs blacks won't do.

Once you get past the blatant racism of this argument, you might consider that the reasons African-Americans don't want the work offered is because they are Americans- and no American deserves to be paid the measly pittance of $5.15/hr. for their work. That's $10,800 a year for a 40-hour week. No benefits.

Every freshman Congressperson should be forced to survive on this salary during their first year in office. Maybe they'd reconsider raising the minimum wage to a level that allowed some hope instead of a constant struggle for basic survival.

So along comes Katrina and washes away the African-American population. The Feds talk about encouraging them to return - but there's plenty of labor available for illegals.
With any luck, think GOP cartel leaders, the locals will all be present and unprotected-again- for the next big hurricane- which BushCo doesn't seem to care about.

Why aren't we hiring displaced persons and paying them top dollar to rebuild their neighborhoods? Some new schools and clinics might not be a bad idea.
Why not ask Exxon to kick in some cash? That $7 Billion dollars came at the expense of Americans. Why not give a little back?

The U.S. been investigating Venezulan company Citgo for giving poor Americans discount heating fuel. This is seen as a bad thing by Republicans and Exxon lobbyists. How dare we deal with a State-Owned foreign company!
How dare Chavez embarass Exxon!

These are the same people who thought giving our ports to the UAE government is a good thing. It's a done deal- the squawking is pure ratings driving moot squabble. The deal is done.

As seen on Buzzflash:
If Dubai is such a great protector of America (is this nutsy or what?), then, as one website noted, why don't we let them take over the Secret Service and see how comfortable Bush and Cheney feel having Dubai protect THEM?

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