Tuesday, February 28, 2006

How I See This

FIRST: A NOTE ON FWDS: I have a special folder that I place almost all my FWD emails into. I have named that folder 'Revenge'. If you are the lucky sender who pushes me over the edge of inbox sanity I will 'FWD' you the entire contents of this folder-one file per day- for the rest of your virtual life. Changing addresses or blocking mail will not save you. I have a network of 250,000 amped-up Commodore 2600s toiling away inside a secret network of safehouses in Manila that exist only to track you down - so don't press your luck. Never FWD a written joke of any kind. I've already heard it and it wasn't that funny.

SOME EXCEPTIONS: -Pics of (new) babies, weddings, new pets, old pals and the like are generally OK - to a point. I'm a sentimental sort.
-In the spirit of Mardi Gras, the gratuitous display of breasts is always acceptable, if not encouraged.
- Something I can use (see below) or enjoy. There is no criteria for this, just my own capricious whim. Too bad for my pal Jerry that I'd already seen most of what came with this:

THE FWD PIC ( all-ages)

Well ha ha. Women are complicated. I get it.

But I'm an old-school sound engineer for chrissakes- I have a bizarre fascination with devices such as the one in the bottom of the linked pic. I don't know what those knobs do, but given the chance, I'll twist 'em and tweak 'em until I find the sweet sound or the speakers explode into confetti. The two events are not mutually exclusive.

I don't know what that thing does, but lookit all those knobs! I bet it can do almost anything you need it to- probably a lot more. Even when you think you've heard it all , I bet it holds surprises-good and bad. Difficult sometimes, but worth the challenge. There's magic in those knobs and dials if you're willing to work with them.

If that thing were human I'd be in love with it.

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