Tuesday, February 28, 2006

False Alarm

Oh my. I feel bad this morning; sick to my stomach. The last time I threw up , it was from internal bleeding and it almost killed me, so I really don't want to vomit. Damn.
I can feel the panic coming, hand-in-hand with the queasiness. I haven't had a panic-freak since I quit drinking. Haven't puked either. Now I feel like both.
I've been good.
This isn't fair.

I sit on my mattress and wrestle with my gut. I don't feel feverish or headachy and sore like I would if it's the flu. What did I eat last night? Oatmeal? Can oatmeal go bad? Maybe it was lunch? I had a honey bun and more oatmeal. Never been sick from either one of them.
I wish someone was here.
I am terrified. I know I have Xanax here somewhere.
Where are my keys? I wonder. Why? I'm looking for my pills, not my keys.
Here. Better take two.
Fuck! My stomach is tumblin'. I probably shouldn't take a pill but I'm freaking out.
I swallow it dry. Twice.

Shit. It's 9 a.m. already.

I'm way late to work. I call my boss- as soon as he answers I can feel the spasms start, the labor pains preceding the throaty birth of what? My ruptured esophagus choked out onto the bathroom floor? A quart of black, bloody emesis? I don't want to die like that.

I can barely speak. I-i-i w-w-won't b-b-b-be i-i-in t-t-t-t-today.


Hey, wouldja lookit this? C'mon, take a peek. Just plain old light-brown mushy puke, not a trace of red or black. (I own two cats , so normal puke doesn't make me flinch)
I have never been this glad to see vomit in my life. In fact, I've never been glad to see vomit at all -ever- until now.

Wow. I feel pretty good. The sea-sick tummy lurch is gone. I can probably make it to work.

Damn. I feel really good. I thought that the Xanax would've come up with the rest of it, but it didn't.
Better scratch going to work off my to-do list and add 'take a nap'.

Hours later, I wake up and write this. I'm high as a kite but I'm not the least bit sick.
What was that all about, anyway? Food poisoning?

I decide it doesn't matter. I'm not bleeding or dying and except for a whopping buzz I feel normal. Alive. OK. Alrighty.
Tonight is a jam night at my pal's house and I intend on playing- no need to change plans.

A thought slaps me. Hard.

I will never take being alive for granted again.


Susannity said...

yep, prolly just normal stomach flu or ate something that didn't agree with your stomach.
sounds like you're doing great on the alcohol allan - really good job man. proud of you!

Allan said...

Thank you Susanne.It's been a crazy roller-coaster 6 months but I'm still on the ride!