Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dirty Minds

There is an accepted bit of anecdotal science that states an average human male has a thought of a sexual nature every seven seconds.
This isn't true.
It isn't even science.
It's total bullshit, is what.

That's like , oh, 8 1/2 thoughts per minute (TPM). How many human males can cogitate at that rate?
That many? Really?
Let's eliminate the schizophrenics, manics and other psychotic types from our count.
Not so many now, eh?
Who knows?
It's impossible to tell because we don't yet have a way to monitor and measure specific detailed thoughts- well, actually, we do- but by the time I convinced you of this it would be too late.

If such thoughts could be measured, I am certain that on an average it would be women who spend more time lost in carnal musings than do men. A whole lot more.

I'd wager my cats on this, so sure am I.

If I'm wrong, I'll shave my head every day for a year.

If I'm correct, well let's see...the proof is in the pudding, as they say.


Susannity said...

I don't know, it may not be every seven seconds, but I think it's damn close hehe. It's the subtle sexual thoughts - ie - hmmm, donut has a hole in the center (6.5 sec elapse) look at the legs on the girl ordering donuts (6.5 sec elapse) check out that sweet corvette driving by!
yah, u know it's true heh.

Allan said...

"hmmm, donut " is as far as most guys get thought-wise; I mean, look at Homer Simpson!
I admit a certain fondness for peering at women's legs, but I don't think a donut shop is the best place for that. It is , however, a great place for big bottoms.