Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Oh, Great

I'm packing up the last of my microphones when the hippie kid asks me a question- it's one I hear a lot.

"So, how'd you learn how to do that?"

"Oh, you know, mostly from playing in bands and just experimenting- I took some classes, but that was in the 80's- a lot of the tech has changed since then..."

"No, not how'd you learn to record- how'd you learn to turn off your aura?"
His girlfriend moves close to him, clutching his arm and looking at me.
Waiting for my answer.

I don't even come close to understanding the question.

"My aura? I guess I just unplug it."

"Even an unplugged guitar produces sound."

I wait for him to add "Grasshopper" to the end of that observation.
He doesn't, so I don't punch him in his hairy face. I wind a cable around my arm and loop the ends together. This is a good cable, I think. If I ever decide to hang myself it will certainly be with a microphone cable.

Any cable that is good for hanging is also good for lynching, I note, looking at the cute hippies.

"See that?" asks girl, looking at me.


"You blinked."

"I what?"

They look at each other. They are having some sort of conversation I can't hear.

"You aren't here. I mean, you are , but you aren't. Most of you is somewhere else."

This is exactly the kind of bullshit mumbo-jumbo that my cat and various other animals tell me in my dreams. It's kinda fun in dreamland but in real-life I'm busy and I wish that the Cabbage Patchouli Kids would skip the bullshit and just say something that makes sense. I was having fun until boy mentioned my aura.

Girl puts one hand on my arm, the other she keeps on boy.

"You are dying."


Barb said...

have you seen "Go" ?

Allan said...

No. Tell me more.... this was really weird.

Susannity said...

tell them if they stop taking those little tabs they can also make their auras turn off lol.

Allan said...

S- awww...but they are so cute with their whitey dreads and dilated pupils...

Barb said...

you should rent "Go". and then we'll talk about it. just for the one scene. heh.