Friday, July 06, 2007

Insomnia: A User's Guide Pt. 374

Ever had trouble sleeping and have someone suggest that you "count sheep?"
Sleep is for the weak and counting sheep is for pussies.
I'm a bad-ass motherfucker, I don't need sleep and I sure as hell am not gonna waste my precious insomnia on being a virtual shepherd.
I like to lie awake all night and torture myself by making lists of things I can't change.
OK, that's not exactly true- I don't enjoy making the lists, but I do it anyway.

Here's a sampling from some of my fave self-torment lists:

I'm not now and have never been promiscuous , so if I think about it long enough, I can actually name almost every woman I have ever slept with. But just counting them isn't enough, there aren't that many and it doesn't take long to merely list them. To really deprive myself of sleep, I need details.
So when the insomnia hits, I start sorting them by alphabetical order, last name (if known) first.
Then by chronology. And so on:
-Hair color.
-Astrological sign.
-Where we met.
-What music was playing?
-Drug of choice.
-Favorite position.
If we were 'dating', I replay the details of the break-up and try to figure out what it was that I did wrong. This leads to my next list- Faults, real or imagined:

- HAIR: I started losing my hair when I was 18 but didn't admit it until I was 30 and I started shaving my head in a show of solidarity with my mom, who was undergoing chemo at the time.
If I had started shaving my head when I was 18, it would probably take me a lot longer than it does to count all my ex-lovers. For years, I had long hair and a bald spot, which is probably the least attractive hair-do a man can sport, short of wearing a toupee.
Once, a hippie GF convinced me to try wearing a ponytail.
I was dumb enough to agree.
I had a ponytail and a bald spot at 25 years old.
I may never outlive that shame.

I used to be convinced that I would make a living playing music. Either that, or I would be dead before I turned 40. For 15 years, all my extra energy went into making music. I have at least six hours worth of my own material recorded- I could have written a novel, graduated college or invented a time machine with all of the energy I wasted on Rockin'.
Rockin' has ruined my love life more than once.
One of my girlfriends used to cheat on me when I had gigs- when I was on stage, she knew I wasn't gonna catch her at home...years later, I was trying to impress another woman with my musical awesomeness, so I sent her a CD. She called me and told me that my songs were indicative of serious mental illness and maybe it would be better if we didn't see each other.
That bothered me.

I had a PermaBuzz from 1983 to 2005. From Absinthe to Xanax, I have done it all at least once. For a long time, this was fun, but it's really a difficult lifestyle to maintain and it tends to drive away sane people. I once boasted, truthfully, that I could snort an entire eight-ball in two giant lines. That ability didn't exactly attract the best sort of person, my personal possessions had a habit of vanishing when certain 'friends' visited.
And it leads to my new favorite list...


Years ago, a man ran a stop sign and I broadsided his new Lexus with my old Honda at 55 mph, totalling both cars. We both emerged unscathed...I was so surprised to be unhurt that I didn't even get mad at the guy, in fact, we sorta bonded on the roadside, looking at the wrecked cars and waiting for the cops...dude sent me $600 even though I told him I wasn't planning on suing or anything.
A year or so later, I blew a tire and bounced my newer Accord across five lanes of rush-hour traffic. I hit a Ford, totalling it, bounced off a Toyota ( wrecked) and finally stopped pinballing when I hit a guardrail. My Honda had a couple dents and lost a headlight. The police officer said he couldn't imagine how I managed to wreck two cars while barely hurting my own. I drove away without a bruise or a 4th of July collision with a deer made me think about that...three serious smash-ups that I've walked away from without a scratch.

I haven't had a lot of girlfriends, but at least half of them have been Scorpios and each one of them has made at least one attempt on my life. Knives, guns, a bass guitar and a Wolf-Shepherd hybrid are some of the weapons employed by Scorpios seeking my demise. On the positive side, a failed murder attempt can lead to some pretty terrific revenge sex. It's the mortality buzz, I guess.

This is the one that lingers on my mind the most. When I saw the deer's blood and guts on the side of my car, the first thing I thought of was my own experience with alcohol-
induced internal hemorrhaging and how much of my own blood I have seen. If you drink heavily for a long, long time, your guts will literally dissolve and you will drown in your own blood - that is what happened to me.
I made it to the ER with a few minutes to spare. When I read the recent news story about a woman who bled to death in an L.A. hospital ER, I had a flashback that triggered a serious panic episode, so I know the fear is still with me. The fear keeps me sober.

I'd like to think that all these close calls have made me braver or stronger somehow, but yesterday it caught up to me- all of it- and I was literally paralyzed by thought. I spent the afternoon just sitting and trying not to think about all of the things that I have just spent an hour describing.
It must have worked, because I actually did sleep last night and my dreams weren't at all bad.

I had a good dream.
My dream had an accent, not an accident.
It was full of love and it rocked without fault.


Michael said...

Please, this is an intervention, quit dating scorpios, they are hazardous to your health...

Great post Allan!

TiG said...

Excellent post, Allan.

It's really interesting to me (a chronic non-sleeping worrywort)what another insomniac worries over. It's seldom anything recent that keeps me up - but instead it'll be things similar to your examples.

Can I just say I'm glad you're sober? I'd hate to lose my connection to such a gifted writer. Cause you know, your recovery is all about me...ha! :)

I came out of a flipped, destroyed Toyota pickup with only eight staples in my head, and I consider that very very lucky! Of course I have a permanent scar on my shoulder from crashing out through the back window after I smashed the windscreen with my face. LUCKY!

Thanks for this post. I really enjoyed reading it. I think it's your style that I like - and I'm glad I didn't EVER see you with a bald spot & ponytail. *shudder*

Allan said...

Ya , of all my hi-risk behaviors, dating Scorpios is the riskiest.

Thanks for the nice words, glad ya made it outta the Toyota mostly carefully so that you can continue to leave compliments on my blog. Your safety is all about ME!
(I sure wish I could tabletop w/ y'all.)

Anonymous said...


I do the same thing! I trace back everywhere I have ever lived, every state, every apartment. I trace back every boyfriend and one-night stand. Best sex, worst sex, most embarrassing sex. Everything I am ashamed of, anything I am proud of. All the bad things I have done. All the good things I have done. Every time I got off scott-free, all the times I’ve had to pay. All the times I almost died. Injuries I have suffered over the years.

And menus - I plan menus for the month, the ingredients I will need, and the most efficient shopping list.
- Beth

yellowdoggranny said...

uh.....did I ever tell you that I'm a scorpio?.....

great post...

AngelConradie said...

i am so glad you had a nice dream- are we going to hear the details?
is it ok that some of your post made me giggle a bit...?
i think i may have to take something so as not to have bad dreams about the bald spot+ponytail...
love your work dude!

Citymouse said...

death by scorpio!!!!

tripsarecopsem said...

Love the Hieronymous Bosch. :-)

Good blog too, Allan. Glad I found it.

tripsarecopsem said...

Oops fuck. Pieter Brueghel, not Bosch. It was part of an allegorical commentary on the Spanish occupation of Flanders and the Netherlands, IIRC. (The Duke of Alba and our current crop of neocons could be such good drinking buddies. :-P)

I'd forgotten how much similarity there was between Bosch and Breughel, when they were painting bleak grotesqueries.

Thanks for the eye candy, anyhow.

Craig D said...

Lucky for me that I have trouble staying awake!

If I had to count all the women I've ever slept with in order to fall asleep...

Well, let's just say I can count them all on 20% of the fingers of one hand!

BTW, come and get your button!

more cowbell said...

Insomnia, I know thee well. Insomnia, you suck ass.

Well, I was going to tell you about the most sensual man I ever relationshipped with -- he started going grey/thinning in his early 20s, apparently. When I met him, he had shaved the shit off, donned 2 hoop earrings and pierced the tongue and nipples. (This last bit, I didn't know until later.) Goodgawddamn but he was sexy. A good bit of his sensuality, however, was tied up in the fact that he was a Scorpio. The Scorpioest of Scorpios. They do get in there, don't they?

Anyway, glad you're sporting the bald proudly these days. Sexy.

You could combine your lists and your Rockin' skillz to make a song like Alanis Morissette's -- can't remember the title, but it's a song to past boyfriends, she has a "Dear Marcus (or whoever)" for each one, and goes on to say things about the relationship and how it affected her. I like it, it's better than I'm making it sound here.

Rock on with your bald self.

Allan said...

I bet our lists have some events in common, although perhaps for different reasons...

You didn't have to.

Giggle away.

Redhead Scorpios in particular.

Yeah, I thought Bosch too until I read about it. Nice ta meetcha!

Geez... You can count to twenty on one hand,using knuckles and tip & base of thumb...does that help?

Being sexed to death by a Scorpio wouldn't be the worst way to go...I fear that one day I will be murdered in my sleep by a redheaded Scorpio.

Anonymous said...

Well, I would have flunked that art history exam because I thought Bosch, too.

My insomnia lists mostly have to do with the here & now ... all of the current areas of failure, things undone, needing to be done.

It was the seventies, We called it free love then. I call it sluttiness now. Right around a hundred, mostly one-night stands.

Bald is sexy. Bald with a ponytail, not so much.

Ex was a scorpio. I left right after he gave our three-year old a loaded gun and said "shoot Mommy." Not so many scorpios in my life since then.

I died once. They didn't have time to pull my records and see the DNR order, so they brought me back. Sometimes I think that was a bad move, but not so much any more. Think of the friends I'd never have met if I'd checked out before we knew about blogging.

Craig D said...

Sadly, no.