For years I was what is known as a 'maintenance drunk' and one of the things I was able to maintain was a body weight of 198 lbs., which made it impossible for me to fit
into the suit I'm wearing in the pic to the left.
Once, back in 2001, I drank eleven Natural Ice beers in the two hour period preceding a job interview for assistant manager at a large retail shoe store.At the interview I was drunker than a lovesick astronaut, but I somehow still got the job...on 9/11, 2001, I was promoted to store manager.
In hindsight, getting promoted on 9/11 was a bad sign.
By January 2002, the store's ownership and myself had reached an agreement: I would withdraw my unemployment claim and they would convince our regional manager not to file assault charges against me for throwing a Nine West boot at his head . He's lucky that my arm was in a sling at the time...seriously.
I am a very adaptive and capable person, but there are some jobs that I am wholly unsuited for; selling shoes, thank Godzilla, is one of them.
One thing that I know I'm really good at is putting books on a shelf. CDs too.
So I donned my suit and went to a job interview at the Public Library. The meet went really well, I thought. I was able to answer all of the questions easily and kept my two-person interview team smiling throughout- the atmosphere at the library was a lot more relaxed than I'd come to expect from my old job, which was in a truly uptight law firm.
The position I was seeking involves shelving books and little else.
After our session, I was told that I'm considerably overqualified for shelving books and that the position is only part-time. Would I still be interested?
I asked about advancement from within. Mrs. J, the older woman who was interviewing me, told me she had started working PT in 1974 and was retiring soon...well, OK, then.
I'm officially interested!
I hope to hear back next week- in any case, it felt good to have an honest-to-gosh job interview. It has been a long time since I'd been to one, a real one anyway. Phone and web stuff...not so good.
It's also been a long time since I've been on a real date.
I have a date tomorrow night.
Dinner and conversation with someone I've known and liked for a long time. We met shortly before I quit drinking, so she's already seen me at my worst...tomorrow I hope to be at my best. My friend has seen me pull off some pretty amazing accomplishments( if I do say so) but to me the most amazing thing of all would be if she were to like me as much as I like her, which is to say considerably.
That's all I'm sayin'.
A job with the county library system could be really sweet! My wife did some of that library page stuff and it was pretty cool. They even had her wear the CURIOUS GEORGE costume for one event! (So you might have that to look forward to, as well!)
I never threw a boot at anyone, but it's always a special feeling to be escorted off company property while being told you're not allowed back inside the gates... ever!
Oh, so allan has a "lady friend" friend? Maybe.
I, too, have a big life-tick that's about to pop. It's a funny feeling, isn't it?
it's hard to think of a better job than working in library.
it's quiet, it attracts reasonably smart people and the hours are excellent.
it might even prepare you for a trip to the great library of alexandria if you become unstuck in time.
keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Hooray for real job intervews and real dates!
I wish you the best of luck with both of them.
very cool dude- you looked great! so??!? how was the date??!?
Handsome as hell! That's my official position.
Librarians are Dead Sexay - so sayeth my friend D. as well as my neighbor, both of whom are kickass librarians!
Well, I don't wanna overdo it in case it doesn't work out but I certainly wish you all the best of luck in the job search! You don't need the luck in the dating one. ;)
some day my son all this could be yours...(library)..go for it ...and let me know how it went and also the date...wow..bet the date was scarier then the job interview...
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