Songs From The Big Hair (The 80's Show), Saturday, Nov. 10:
The Damned- Street of Dreams
I love the Damned. I'm not sure if they were setting trends or making fun of them (or both) but you gotta admit that Rat Scabies is a cool ' nom de rawk'.
Frank and Dweezil Zappa- Sharleena
This was recorded live in LA, 12/23/1984, and features a 15 year-old Dweezil Zappa playing live with his father for the first time ever. I saw Zappa around this time, but Dweez didn't play in Salt Lake. I don't think Frank wanted his son to be exposed to Mormons. On-stage in Utah, Frank went into a long, disparaging rap about the Moron Pumpernickel Choir,after which he suggested that we 'TAX THE CHURCHES'...it made the event staff visibly angry. I loved it. Frank was my favorite atheist.
X- Hot House
It was while I was living in Utah that I first saw X. I watched a stoic Billy Zoom standing nearly motionless, playing the best rock & roll guitar ever and smiling all the while...I didn't know it at the time, but Billy was an old man then- he was like 40 or 50...punk rock will keep you young! Unless it kills you.
After seeing X, I lost interest in the Grateful Dead.
Robyn Hitchcock- Tropical Flesh Mandala
My bestest buddy Ron turned me on to the Soft Boys way back in 1980...Ron has contributed to my musical education in many, many ways, all of them good. Thank you Ron!
Captain Beefheart - Tropical Hot Dog Night
I discovered the Captain via Frank Zappa. Those two egos couldn't collaborate for long, but they did play together...the Captain retired long ago and I never saw him in concert, but I have met several former members of The Magic Band. I even have Eric Drew Feldman's autograph!
Nirvana- About A Girl
On impulse, I held an impromptu radio contest. First caller to correctly state how much it cost to record 'Bleach' wins...something. I was happily surprised when the phone started lighting up right away-people are listening!
Answer: It cost $600. What a bargain! The winner, it turned out, is a friend of mine .Coincidently, I recorded his band's first CD back in 199? - for a lot less than $600.
XTC- Melt the Guns
This is, was and always will be a good idea.
Robert Fripp- Chicago
For the Twin, who was listening on his new PC at home in Chicago. I'm glad he got a chance to hear me.
Cardiacs- Everything is Easy
For Schlep, for turning me on to this great band. That is one of the many wonders of music- there is always more to discover. Always.
Nothing about these guys is easy. They defy everything- I love them for it.
Oingo Boingo- Wake Up! It's 1984!
Does anyone remember a movie called The Forbidden Zone? Many years ago, I used to make frequent alcoholic pilgrimages to Baltimore, where I would partake in strange rituals that involved marathon viewings of the Forbidden Zone- which shares initials with Frank Zappa. Woooo....
The Kinks- Give the People What They Want
The Davies brothers mock nearly every popular music trend of the 1980's and it takes under four minutes for them to do so. I especially love the way brother Dave pokes fun at the histrionic Poodle Metal guitar frettery that was so popular back then. Fave Dave quote: "It wasn't called Heavy Metal when I invented it." That would be an arrogant statement if not for the truth it carries.
Meat Puppets- I Can't Be Counted On At All
After I played this song I got an alarmed phone call from a friend of mine. I am supposed to feed his cats next week...sorry man, didn't mean to scare you! Those cats will be just as fat as the day you left, never fear!
Crack The Sky- Big Money
The CD this is from is called "From the Greenhouse". It's a concept album about today's headlines. It was written 20 years ago.
Replacements- Go
Wow...raw, powerful and sincere. 45 rpm to boot!
Tupelo Chain Sex- The Revolution Will Be Televised
Actually, it'll be blogged . Part of me wishes that the government would (try to) take away the Internet- it will take something very drastic to get people marching in the streets again, which, IMO, is a necessary thing. Stumik rules!
Mission of Burma- That's When I Reach For My Revolver
Burma. Revolution. Guns. Propaganda by the deed. Everything old is new again...only the names change.
The Wipers- So Young
Only the good die young. There's immortality in immorality!
Lou Reed- Martial Law
I went into a long improv rap and dedicated this song to Gen. Pervy in the Free Dictatorship of Invadistan...my whole show is laced with commentary and innuendo supporting my personal and political agendas- which is exactly how it should be. I actually got a phone call from the Prez of our Board of Directors, complimenting me on doing a great job- that's the sort of ego-stroke that makes my day. I asked if the offer of a position on the Board was still open. It is. I'm taking it- it will look good on my resume, if nothing else- and it'll help explain what I did between jobs.
Snakefinger- Kill the Great Raven
From a 1984 concert in Chicago. Snake, like Frank Zappa, was one of those very few guitar players who had a sound and style that was uniquely their own - regardless of what material they were playing, they had 'that sound'.
Frank Zappa- Carolina Hardcore Ecstasy
I hope the Liberator was listening. I dedicated this song to her. Play nice!
Gary Numan- Observer
It occurs to me that I have seen all of this before.
King Crimson- Neal and Jack and Me
This album , Beat, is a musical tribute to the Beat poets of the 1950's. I am a fan of literate rock- and the guitar tandem of Fripp and Belew is sublime...great while it lasted.
Robert Wyatt- The Age of Self
Robert Wyatt could have been a tragic figure, but isn't. Following a drunken accident, he found himself paralyzed from the waist down, a terrible fate for anyone,-especially a drummer.
His first reaction? Depression.
His second? A musical career that spans four decades.
Danielle Dax- Tomorrow Never Knows
Sexy woman with big hair and a bigger gun. Great Beatles cover...relax your mind and your hat will fit better.
The Stranglers- Mad Hatter
I dedicated this song to myself. During my music 'career' I almost invariably wore an antique top hat on stage- I fear that the mercury may have leeched out of the felt and into my pores...that would explain why I can't remember much about the 1980's. Yep. Blame the hat.

I could have played records all day yesterday. It was one of those rare moments of groove, alone in the booth and everything with the most natural flow, bam! right down to the 1/10th of a second and wow, that song blends right into the next one, who knew?...it felt wonderful; I was kicking back and watching myself work...absorbed, immersed and totally in control but somehow detached from the process.
Perhaps detachment is not the best description for that feeling.
'Peace' may be more accurate.
Anyway, I managed to carry that feeling over to this morning's show. A little bit, anyway.
The New Breakfast Snob, Sunday Nov. 11, 2007:
I had a CD of ambient storm noises playing in one CD deck...as the thunder and rain built up, I gradually pushed the Pink Floyd cut into the mix ...as the Floyd receded into telephonic noises, I eased Kraftwerk-honking and squealing- onto the airwaves, the krafty Germans jumped into the beat just as Floyd echoed out... probably the finest 120 seconds of my entire DJ career.
Fuckin' bliss, man.
And you missed it.
Pink Floyd - Bring the Boys Back Home
Subtle, huh?
Kraftwerk- Autobahn
I take a vicarious roadtrip. I'd forgotten how kool Kraftwerk were.
Andy Partridge- Madhatten
Bits and pieces of old XTC outtakes and experiments...more mad hattery.
Tangerine Dream- On Crane's Passage
I like the smell of kraut in the morning. Krautrock, that is.
King Crimson- Happy Family
From Lizard. For Lyzard.
Victor Banana- Value Ape
This is from the soundtrack to a graphic novel- A Velvet Glove Cast in Iron by Daniel "Ghost World" Clowes. Value Ape-Gorilla Savings!
Buffy the VS cast- Life's a Show
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of my all-time favorite TV shows- this is from Buffy:the Musical.
Randy Newman- Short People
How insensitive!
The Kinks- Mr. Big
Your minions serve your beck and call
but they don't compensate at all
because inside, Mr. Big is very small
XTC- Supertuff
I am a bad motherfucker. Don't mess with me.
Hot Tuna- Bowlegged Woman, Knock-kneed Man
More live music- this is from Double Dose...tastes better than a t-bone steak, excitement on the side.
Crack the Sky - Maybe I Can Fool Everybody Tonight
Still more great live cuts- this band was amazing in concert. They used to play 'I am the Walrus' live- something even the Beatles couldn't do.
Marionette- Tricycles
Fairly new local band that I've had the pleasure of working with. A wide range of influences met when this band formed...I look forward to seeing them develop.
Elvis Costello- Radio Sweetheart
Hi! Remember me?
Atomic Rooster- All in Satan's Name
This song isn't an endorsement of Satanism, it's a condemnation of evil. Maybe.
Jethro Tull- No Lullabye
The live music keeps a comin'. I wish I'd had a chance to see Jethro Tull.
Neil Young - The Restless Consumer
Neil has been quietly releasing some excellent records over the last few years- Living with War and Greendale are both fantastic...disturbing, but fantastic. Harvest Moon kinda sucked...but that was a long time ago.
X- The Have Nots
Dedicated to the restless consumers of alcoholic beverages.
Drink at the Bar Nothing
bar everything
but the bottom step of the ladder
Ten Years After- One of These Days
Macho guitar. What more do you want?
Frank Zappa & Capt. Beefheart- Muffin Man
These double chocolate-chip muffins have 680 calories each, including a whopping 25 grams of fat. I am going to eat four of them and hibernate until March.
Damien Dempsey- Marching Season
Damo sez: Stop beating the drums of hate. Will anyone listen?
Talking Heads- Mind
Drugs won't change you...religion won't change you...I need something to change your mind. Mind.
Emerson, Lake & Palmer- Still (You Turn Me On)
I don't get many calls during my morning show, but I got two from this song- who knew that ELP still had so many fans? I like the waaawwwaahwhwahwahwa guitar riff.
Pretty Things- The Sun
This really is a pretty thing. In his prime, Phil May had a voice that could make a gargoyle weep.
Can- She Brings The Rain
More German muzik. Sounds smooth, but isn't.
Pentangle- In Time
Wow...this acoustic jam is breathtaking, recorded live in a living room on primitive gear...the sound is wonderful, honest and open...you can hear the air and it's clear and crisp.
The Kinks- Life Goes On
A friend of mine just had a real bad time
His life was shattered and he lost his mind
His girl ran off along with his best friend
Under emotional stress he brought his life to an end
It was such a tragedy-
but that's the way it's got to be-
Life goes on and on and on
Life goes on and on... oh, yeah...
Towards the end of this song, there is the sound of a single hand-clap... I imagine that more claps were recorded but Ray decided to omit all but the one from the final mix...to me, it's a symbol of affirmation and defiance in the face of despair.
That's what I hear when I hear this song.
Life goes on.
I'm always amazed at the quality of the music you play..some of it is so terrific it stuns me..and then some of it I don't have a clue who it is and wonder if it was because I was stoned at the time...
Loved the 80s show! I snoozed through the Breakfast Snob again though.
you seem to like the kinks.
me too, my own sweat smells the best.
I slept for hours Sunday morning, so didn't hear Happy Family and in fact - have never heard it. Found the lyrics and just need to actually hear it.
I'm off to treasure hunt...
dude- this is a fantastic couple of shows!!!
I did! :-)
The Liberator
As always great playlists!
Melt the Guns has always been one of my favorite XTC songs.
Once again I am humbled by your incredible knowledge and I would have totally loved the 120 second trransition..
that is what we use to call
Keep em coming man.
btw Life goes on was one of my many mantras..oh how it soothed my teenage angst..still love that guitar..
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