Wednesday, August 29, 2007

3 A.M.Blog

I arrived at the hospital with perfect timing. My grandmother was just starting to wake up after having a stint placed in her heart early this morning. She recognized me, that's a good sign, she was dopey but awake. The doctor came in and told us that it went well and she'd likely be released tomorrow- Friday at the latest.
As if on cue, Grandma started retching black blood. A nurse scrambled over with a pan, and when my gran rolled over slightly to lean into the pan, there was a large stain of red blood under her.
The little room became filled with doctors, nurses and machines; my dad, our family friend Sharon and myself were ushered to Waiting Room A, CCU; we were there until nearly 11 pm.

At 11pm, Nurse Amber said we had five minutes to see Grandma. She was bleeding badly and was receiving her fourth transfusion- the blood-thinning drugs used to prevent clots around her new stint were causing her to bleed internally- hopefully an infusion of platelets would reverse the drug's actions and she could be mended with endoscopic surgery- it's normally not a very risky procedure but it seems she needs it from both ends and that's hard on a 87 year old woman with heart and lung disease.
Without surgery she has no chance, so it's the only option.
I drove home late this night/morning. I need to grab some clothes and get a key made in the morning so I can get someone to feed my cats. I'll have to call the Twin in Chicago before he leaves for work and tell him to get ready to come home again.

I hope this is another false alarm, but I fear it's not. My mother made the same retching sounds- exactly the same- the day before she died. Until today, I had only heard that sound from one person. It's not something that you forget.

Goodbye felt like goodbye.


Citymouse said...

my prayers are with you and your family

the rube said...

i admire your strength and compassion.

Allan said...

Thank you Dayniter!
She has improved- more to come

Rube- What's your take on my weakness and malice?.

whimsical brainpan said...


AngelConradie said...

[[[[[BIG HUGS]]]]] to you sweetie... i would so look after your cats if i were near enough to you!

Craig D said...

Glad to read about the improvement.

Continued prayers and best wishes to all involved.

Man, what a Summer it's been...

Allan said...

Warm fuzzy thanks to you all...almost getting caught up.

yellowdoggranny said...

will run to st. mary's and light some candles and say a bunch of heart is with you..